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A perfectionist achieves his dream with Dr. Rassman of the New Hair Institute.

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This patient was an interesting and fun story for us. Both he and his brother received transplants at The New Hair Institute as they'd both ended up having genetic predispositions towards male pattern baldness. They enjoy having long hair but both were in the advanced Norwood class 3 stage of hair loss. With the hair above the temples receding as much as it had by the time they came to our clinic, they felt that the only choices they had were to cut their hair to a very short length, take Propecia and hope it didn't get any worse, or get a hair transplant to fill in the areas they'd lost and keep the long hair look they'd come to love so much.


After working with Dr Rassman to evaluate their donor area, hair density, and other factors that determine what kind of results they could expect, they determined that the look they were going for was indeed possible at around 4000-4500 grafts. However the patient was still a little skeptical of the procedure. He didn't think it was possible to do more than use transplantation to camouflage hair loss, and he wanted to look as though he'd never lost a hair in his life. He decided that he'd have one procedure of around 1700 (1744 transplanted) grafts to see for himself whether the procedure was right for him.


After that first procedure, he was so pleased with the results that he took the Doctors advice and scheduled another procedure of 1500 (1542 transplanted) grafts. He was close to the look he was going for, and after a few small, short procedures to fine-tune things he ended up with these results from a total of 4539 grafts transplanted.







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  • Regular Member

Wow... I hate to be this critical, but I would not at all be pleased with this result. I'm sorry, I really don't want to be overly negative, but this just doesn't look good to me at all. It looks like he maybe had 1500 to 2000 and I'm not sure, but sounds like you're saying he's had 4,000+! I'd be demanding my money back if I got that many grafts and came out with this result.

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That is the thing about photos.They can be very deceptive. I hope Doctors start using more pre and post op VIDEO of the patient. This may prove more truthful as to what the results are. Of course there are issues with video as well, but I think we can see a bigger picture of what is going on.

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They probably had to use some grafts to keep up with the progression of hair loss, but it is quite thin for such a large number of grafts. The hairline is the money shot, and it is barely covered with no real defined starting area. I agree with weweregod, it looks like a 1500 graft case. 4500 usually covers 2/3 of the scalp with decent density.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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  • Senior Member

I agree RC I was thinking it looks like the result you would expect from 1200 to 1500 grafts. I wonder what the result from the first op looked like that caused the patient to be so pleased with the results. Having said that, there is definitely more hair there and he looks better.

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


View my patient website:


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I hate to disagree, gotitgood4me, but I've seen lots of photos and these are good and telling quality. It's just the work that I have a problem with. Once again, if this guy paid for 4500+, he certainly didn't get his money's worth--I mean, maybe they had problems that were unforeseen, but from the way it is presented ("perfectionist achieves his dream") this is not the "dream" I'd expect. I don't think it would be perfectionist of him to request that 4500+ with class 3 NW look like 4500+ and not 1500. I've got to wonder about the Doc, too. I mean, seriously? Presenting this as just the greatest case when it clearly is not. I'm not saying it's his fault, just that this is not, in any shape or form, the best results I've seen just on this site.

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"A perfectionist achieves his dream"? This kind of overselling serves only to undermine Dr. Rassman's credibility, especially when the results are far off from what a "perfectionist" would consider a dream. Try posting a neutral title (e.g. "4500 grafts 1 year result Dr. Rassman") to let the results speak for themselves, instead of trying to sell them.


unfortunately, I agree with the posters above that this appears to be a poor result based on the number of grafts.

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