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Best way to conceal strip scar


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  • Senior Member

Sorry to rant but I have just come back from my GP who told me to forget hts and just shave it off as they look fake and leave horrible scars.


From what I see here makes me think he knows little of modern hts and makes me want a ht nevertheless ,though I would like to still have the option of shaving my head after fut just in case. I need too many grafts for fue so this is no option. And just wanted to hear what other members think is the best way to make the strip scar invisible or virtually so?


I think tricho closure of strip is essential. And I hear the application of Bio oil on scar afterwards is a good idea.


A tattoo from a cosmetic tattoo surgeon afterwards sounds like a good idea, but it would be one long tattoo to cover the whole scar. So I was just thinking of getting one at the back of the head to break it up. I was talking to a mate with a tattoo on his back and notice his back hair still grew through his tattoo. So I assume it wouldn't hurt the hair there or cause any shock-loss. Can anybody confirm this? And the problem I have with a tattoo is that it may just draw more attention to the scar.


Laser surgery correction is another option though I have seen very few pictures of this and wonder if it would damage surrounding hair?



Finally there is fue, but I really want to conserve that for when I max out through strip. So I would like to use beard hair though not from the face because of possible white dots it leaves behind, which means using it from under the chin and may mean then going to chest hair as well to get the required number of hairs to fill it in. Again I see few picture of beard hair into scar and I hear it may need multiple procedures to work as it is more difficult for hair to grow through scar tissue. Then there is the question of what doctor to choose Umar is one, as is he who can't be named and his sister. Please let me know of any others. Also feel free to PM me on your thoughts of the aforementioned doctors as I am seriously considering them after strip.



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  • Regular Member

Hi Julius-


That's quite a generalization your GP is making. I do believe that he has your best interest at heart and he is telling you what he believes. He is telling you what he has seen in terms of HT results have been bad not to mention the bad donor scar to boot. It would be interesting to find out who did the work on these patients. This could be old work he's seeing.


The results will greatly depend on who's doing the transplanting. Yes, patients reults can vary as some are a noorwood 6 while others are a norwood 2 or 3. Skin tone, hair color, texture, curly etc. can all make a difference.


I am pale complected and have dark hair. Therefore, my transplant will be more noticeable than someone with blond,light brown or white/gray hair.


What you have at your disposal is a great website which lists outstanding docs. You can get all of the support you need from forum members. This is something I never had so count yourself fortunate.


If you are going to do a transplant, Tricho closure or not, you are going to have a scar. Pick an outstanding doc who is recommended on this site and your scar has the best chance of being minimal.


Bottom line is you need to decide if you want to have hair or if you want to let it go and shave it bald. Of course you can shave it bald but you will see a scar. Since I don't have a tattoo'd head, I can't advise you whether you will damage folicles or not. I'm sure someone else can advise you.


You should do your homework and visit 3-4 docs and look at their before and after pics. You should also see if you can meet a couple of their patients and check out the work in person.


Hope this helps-

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by Julius:

And the problem I have with a tattoo is that it may just draw more attention to the scar.


Supersaturating the area with a less than perfectly matched pigment would be my main concern. But cosmetic tattooing seems like it could be a viable option if it's performed by an experienced practitioner. These technicians are supposed to use vegetable/mineral extracts rather than ink to apply the dots, which allegedly fade naturally over time.


Selecting the right outfit to perform this type of work probably involves doing a lot of research, just like any other hair-related treatment.



All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my My Hair Loss Website

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for your replies. FUT followed by FUE using beard hair is what I am most inclined to do, there is another forum member on this site who has recently had this done. I will follow his progress then make my decision. Cosmetic tattoing sounds great but there is a dearth of documentation & pictures of this. Cheers

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