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Did Corvettester Deserve to be Banned?


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  • Senior Member
But having an agenda with intent to harm or blatantly promote is in violation of our terms of service.


Bill, if this is truly the case - how is spex still a part of this community? Not only is he here promoting Dr Feller (and unfortunately, being forced to defend him in some cases), but he's also here promoting his book.


If you're insisting that you are simply enforcing the TOS, then why is spex still a part of this community?


And don't even get me started on the doctors (which also includes the one thats responsibile for this thread) and their reps posting up pics of their unhappy patients while debating them publicly without hiding their identity in doing so....


Bill, I'm sure that you probably know the answer to this....if they haven't signed the form allowing these doctors to publicly display their identity, were these actions even legal?


If not, are engaging in illegal activities on this forum also a violation of the terms of service? All I see are repeated warnings and excuses given for these doctors when this has happened. Why not a stern warning like corv got, then a subsequent banning?

Dr Arocha

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For those of you who aren't familiar with our prescreening and approval process for physicians recommended by this community, I encourage you to visit "How We Recommend Hair Transplant Surgeons". While physicians recommended by this community do pay a sponsorship fee (as listed clearly on our physicians standards page), we have never approved a single physician that hasn't shown sufficient evidence that they're producing consistent world class results. Many surgeons want in, but only a select few are approved for recommendation. I've personally turned away over 30 hair transplant surgeons over the last couple of years who simply didn't meet our high standards. We've also removed physicians when this community has felt that they're no longer producing only the best results.


This forum is designed for members to share their genuine experiences, opinions, and results. This includes the good, the bad and the ugly. Unfortunately, once in awhile, someone becomes overzealous and makes it their sole purpose on this forum to promote their own harmful agenda. This is when it's necessary to take action. Corvettester was warned a couple of times and agreed to stay off Dr. Feller related topics since his agenda against Dr. Feller and Spex was becoming apparent to many members of the community (including several who've posted on this topic). However, since he ignored the warning, I chose to suspend him. While this may not be popular, it's my duty to enforce the rules and call them as I see them.


As I stated above however, if after a cooling off period, Corvettester agrees to cool it with Dr. Feller and his clinic, I'll consider giving him one more more chance and reinstate his posting privileges.


Onwards and Upwards,



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  • Regular Member
Troll: You are just like your name states a troll.


Ian/Corv, listen, I actually agree with most of the posters that you shouldn't have been banned simply for having a bias or disliking a certain clinic, and I also agree that you were at one point a great asset to this community. But recently your enthusiasm has turned into a maddening obsession. It may be true that Dr. Feller has some "patient-relations" issues to sort out but you can't keep turning every Feller-related thread into a circus as you have been. However I do believe you should be banned for a particular thread you started, which so shamelessly violated the ethics of this forum that you ought to take responsibility and just hand in your resignation. I'll just leave it at that.

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Consultants are a part of this community whether you like them or not. However, they are required to add a disclaimer in their forum signature that they are affiliated with a particular clinic. This is 100% transparency.


There is also a clear difference between praising and attacking someone. Patients who are happy also praise their physician. But I've never seen one single happy patient of a particular physician badmouth and chastise a concerned patient when they claim they're not satisfied with their results. If I had, this would result in their suspension too. However, Corvettester would use topics where Dr. Feller patients showed concern to immediately peddle his agenda against Dr. Feller and often times Spex.


Regarding the rest of your statements, each of your concerns have already been addressed on other topics as they came up. Thus, I see no reason to repeat them here just because you have an attitude problem based on my decision to suspend one poster.


I trust this makes more sense to you. If not, I'm not sure what else to tell you.



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Anyone truly concerned about this topic can go ahead and read my posts as I believe I've addressed all the relevant concerns. If you have additional questions regarding this and would like to share your point of view with me, send me a private message. But we have bigger and better things to discuss on this forum. Thus, I appreciate everyone's input and feedback but this topic is now closed.



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