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Dr. Sanjiv Vasa-India

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I am currently looking for some feedback reviews about Dr. Sanjiv Vasa in Ahmedabad, India. I have generally read some good feedback about him on places like (Link removed my moderator) but wanted to get some feedback from anyone on this specialist forum who has actually had a procedure with him. My main issue is with cost and how he counts the number of grafts. For example if I am given an estimated of 1000 grafts how will I know that that number has actually been transplanted?


Any clues?

Edited by TakingThePlunge
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  • Regular Member
how will I know that that number has actually been transplanted?Any clues?


Ricky, Welcome to the brotherhood!

There is no way to figure out the number of hair that has been transplanted. Yes, one could count the grafts before they get transplanted, however, one has to go by the doctor's word for the end count


Btw, I haven't heard of this surgeon anytime before. I hope you take enough time to research in detail and then take the plunge. All the best!

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Like the previous poster mentioned do yourself a favour and do your research. I recently saw a post from a person who had a terrible botch job done by a surgeon in India.


Why not have a look at Doctor Madhu who is recommended on the forum.





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  • 3 years later...
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Hi, had a quick look at his homepage, and if I were you, I wouldn`t go.


The few results presented are average at best. Why "at best"? Because the footage is taken under bad light conditions (why??) and only from one angle (why????), the front angle, where even poor results can give the impression to be excellent. Hmmm...

Plus there are countless things that would raise my concern written on the site regarding technique, specialization, and even more in the sub- and context of the presentation.


I personally can`t comprehend why one would take such a risk when it comes to such a vastly defining and life-determining surgery without even having seen that the doctor at least in a few cases is able to produce at least average results. Plus I guess he`s not even cheaper than Dr. Bhatti or Dr. Demirsoy.

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