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3020 grafts with Dr. Meshkin


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hello everybody today is been 3 months since my hair transplant. here are the before and after pics. I think I used the 5/8 clippers (1/2 inches?) the back. on top is even shorter less than a half an inch and on the sides is very short, but I messed it up as you can see in the pics. if anybody knows the messurments of the clippers I will apreciated. well, back to the hair transplant pics. here they are. let me know what you think. thank you



























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Everything is looking really good. Your donor scar has healed up really nice. Your hair is really short and you can barely see it. If your hair was just a little bit longer you would not be able to see it at all.

Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUT 6/14/11 - 3048 grafts


Surgery - Dr. Ron Shapiro FUE 1/28/13 & 1/29/13 - 1513 grafts



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futbol, you are looking excellent for three months. Keep growing out that hair! ;) There's more to come.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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All the clipper guards I've seen increase in increments of 1/8".


#1 = 1/8', #2 = 1/4", #3 = 3/8", #4 = 1/2", #5 = 5/8", etc.. While that is the standard, I've noticed differences between different brand's sizes.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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thank you for all your responses and support:) as all of you know today is 3 months since my FUT surgery with dr. meshkin (3020 grafts). also as I mentioned before I am a mix martial arts fighter and would like to know what you guys think? My doctor told me I am ok to start doing anything without limitations, weight lifting, wrestling, jujitsu,boxing, muay thai, etc.... However, I have read some articles on the internet and some doctors say to weight up to 6 months to do grappling and weights:( I think my scar looks fine so far and I would like to keep it that way. I just would like to hear your different oppinions. thank you

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Hello people, this is a question that I sent dr. meshkin today and would like to hear just your personal opinion on this question. thank you


hello again deisy. can you please ask Dr. Meshkin if I can use coconut oil for my dry scalp (hairline)? I have tried a lot of different shampoos and they all dry up my scalp after showering. the only thing that seems to help is tea tree oil. but once I shampoo my hair I get the white dry scales again on my scalp mostly on my hairline.

I gues what I would like to know is if I can use my own home remedies to mosturize my scalp without having the fear of my transplanted hair not growing. he told me to use alovera gel but is not working that good, so I been using tea tree oil massages on my scalp. the tea tree oil bottle says that if my condition does not improve within a few days to consult a doctor? I do not want to be bothering dr. meshkin everytime I want to use something to help my dry itchy scalp. so can you please ask him if I can try different oils (olive, castor,jojoba coconut etc....) to see what works for my dry scalp and also ask him if the oil on my scalp wont clog my scalp and prevent my hair from growing?


I went to a health food store and they told me to use COCONUT OIL to mosturize my dry scalp and they also gave me some PEPPERMINT SOAP to try it on the scalp. this is liquid soap to use for the body, but they told me I can use it on the hair too. they told me that peppermint is good for the scalp? what about white vinegar on the scalp, I've read on the internet that this is good for dry scalp? by the way I have tried baby shampoo, free sulfate shampoos, medicated shampoos and organic shampoos and I still get flakes in my hairline after shampooing. I also been shampoing my hair every other day to preserve the natural oils on my scalp.

the only way I can temporarly get rid off of the dry scales on hairline after shampooing is by applying the tea tree oil but then when I shampoo I get the dry scales again.

Is it unhealthy to use oils for long periods of time on my new transplanted hair and my scalp in general?

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Hi Futbol,


It sounds like your scalp could have a mild case of Psoriasis along with the standard flaky dandruff. This isn't something that a shampoo will fix in a day or two; you need to be patient and stick with a good routine that will get the inflammation down and also kill any potential fungus that might be present.


I recommend rotating T-Gel or Nizoral with a Tea Tree shampoo. Look for a tea tree shampoo that has things like eucalyptus and peppermint oil built-in. Don't worry about the coconut oil, get yourself a high quality leave-in conditioner that stays on your scalp throughout the day. A lot of guys aren't familiar with this, but it's critical for halting inflammation long after the shower is done. You will still want to use a conditioner in the shower as well, but make sure to focus on the scalp and not the hair (don't follow the directions!). Look for soothing oils in both the standard conditioner and the leave-in. Yes, your hair will be a little flatter than normal, but your scalp will be nice and moisturized, and it's only temporary until your scalp is back to 100%.


If you shampoo daily you might want to consider an EOD routine instead. I like to condition on "off-days" without using shampoo, mainly because these are very potent shampoos that we are discussing. Allowing your hair and scalp time to build its natural oils is important. Once again, this could take a month or two before your flakes/scales are gone for good so be patient!

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thank you realquit for all your help:) about 3 weeks ago I was getting inflamatory red patches on my hairline after shampooing. after the irritation started to disapear I would get a thick dry crust of skin and then dry scales. this would happen every time after shampooing my hair. now my irritation is better but I still get a dry hairline after I shampoo my hair. what seems to help is tea tree oil, but then when I shampoo i get the dry scalp again. today I bought a dandruff organic shampoo call jason dandruff relief tratment shampoo. it has MSM, olive, rosemary oils and colloidal sulfur and jojoba oil. it has no SLS, parabens or phthalates. I will be trying this tomorrow.


I also bought a shampoo call GIOVANNI (tea tree triple treat invigorating shampoo). this one is a regular organic shampoo with all kinds of organic oils in it. it has peppermint, rosemary, clarifying eucaliptus, alovera, lavender and more. I need to buy the conditioner so I can do what you told me. what do u think about trying distilled water to wash my scalp? maybe is the chlorine in the water, I do know.

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  • Regular Member
thank you realquit for all your help:) about 3 weeks ago I was getting inflamatory red patches on my hairline after shampooing. after the irritation started to disapear I would get a thick dry crust of skin and then dry scales. this would happen every time after shampooing my hair. now my irritation is better but I still get a dry hairline after I shampoo my hair. what seems to help is tea tree oil, but then when I shampoo i get the dry scalp again. today I bought a dandruff organic shampoo call jason dandruff relief tratment shampoo. it has MSM, olive, rosemary oils and colloidal sulfur and jojoba oil. it has no SLS, parabens or phthalates. I will be trying this tomorrow.


I also bought a shampoo call GIOVANNI (tea tree triple treat invigorating shampoo). this one is a regular organic shampoo with all kinds of organic oils in it. it has peppermint, rosemary, clarifying eucaliptus, alovera, lavender and more. I need to buy the conditioner so I can do what you told me. what do u think about trying distilled water to wash my scalp? maybe is the chlorine in the water, I do know.


Futbol, don't worry about using distilled water for rinsing. Tea tree shampoos are known as clarifying shampoos that strip other elements and products from from the hair and scalp. Many women use a clarifying shampoo at most once a week because of how dry and damaged their hair would be if used daily.


If you really want to PH balance your hair and scalp, I highly recommend a vinegar rinse once every 2 weeks or so. Using apple cider vinegar is actually very common (google this), and helps remove mineral deposits from hard water (sounds like you have this), and also things like chlorine build-up.


Like I said, the shampoos that we use on this site are very good but very potent. That's why keeping your scalp and hair conditioned is so important!

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Today is been 4 months since the day of my hair transplant with Dr. Meshkin 3020 grafts. here are my pictures of before and after. let me know what you guys think. do you guys think my hair is growing and will i get more density on my hairline and on top?

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  • 4 weeks later...
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hello guys here are my 5 months and 3 days pictures since the day of my HT. let me know if you guys see any difference from previous months. Do u think my hair is growing? thank you and I will apreciate any feed back.































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Futbol, it sure looks to be growing but I don't recall seeing your hair at that length preop so its a little hard to tell how much is new growth. Either way, it looks encouraging. What are your thoughts?

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


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It's still early and it looks like you got some growth starting. So that's a positive sign. Be patient, you have a lot of time in front of you to see continued improvement. I think your scar just looks fantastic even with your hair cut so short.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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I think your scar just looks fantastic even with your hair cut so short.


I agree with Aaron about the scar. I forgot you had a strip and thought it was fue until I read Arron's reply. Very nice!

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


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thank you aroon and levrais for your coments. Levrais do you see a difference between the before and after pics? the FIRST 3 pictures are preop pics. you can also check my 2,3,4 months pics and compare them with my 5 months pics to see if you see any difference? Let me know and thanks again for the comments.


I really see a big difference specially on my hairline. I did not have any hair on my temples before and now I am getting some there, also he lowered my hairline a littlebit too. now my forhead looks smaller:) my hair is also getting a little more dense on top of my head. I really think is growing. hopefully it does not stop growing.

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dr. meshkin told me to wait 6 months to do brazilian jujitsu and wrestling do to the grabbing and bending of the neck in these two sports. I really like how my donor scar looks rigght now and I do not want to do anythin to streach it out.

Do you think I will be safe after 6 months to practice these two sports with out fear of stretching my scar? I also started to lift weights everynow and then but very light. I want to be able to do squads, bench press, pull ups, dedlifts etc.... what do you guys think?

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