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Shedding after HT, Rogaine & Graft Survival

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  • Regular Member

I had my HT about a month ago and I have probably shed about 40% of the transplanted hair but the remaining has not shed. I have been using rogain since about day 10 post HT, not sure if that prevents the shedding or regrows the transplanted hair quicker.


Has anyone experienced not much shedding or do you guys think I will shed all the transplanted hair in the next few weeks?


Has anyone used Rogain post HT and has it helped prevent shedding or grow back the transplanted hair quicker?


Also, does anyone know what % of transplanted grafts survive to grow hair, is it 100% or always less than what was transplanted?

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  • Regular Member

Hey i had 1000 hairs via fue it was my 4th ht

i never used rogaine post op wit my frist 3 so for this one i did

started around 27jan had the fue done on the 20th of jan so 7 days post op:)

have to say all my grafts grew and now after a few months there all grow out so rogaine helps a lot post op no doubt in my mind

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Many hair transplant physicians recommend the use of Minoxidil post operatively in an attempt to prevent shock loss of the existing and transplanted hairs. I have tried it on several patients. In some cases it appears to clearly reduce the amount of shedding and shock loss while in others it appears to have very little effect. Certainly worth a try.

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  • Senior Member

I agree with Dr. Charles.


I tell everyone to expect to shed the majority of the transplanted hair in the first 6 to 8 weeks and not to see new growth for at least 3-4 months. I also warn everyone about postoperative shedding of existing hair. Usually by 4 months the hair starts improving, it looks pretty good by 6-8 months and finished by 10-12 months.


I have had a few patients who did not use Minoxidil but had very little shedding and early hair growth. I have had other patients who did use Minoxidil and still got postoperative shedding and regular hair growth. However, on average, there is a tendency for patients who use Minoxidil to get less postoperative shedding and to see earlier growth.


I particularly recommend Minoxidil for patients, like you, who have miniaturized hair in the transplanted area as miniaturized hair is most vulnerable to post-operative shedding.

Cam Simmons MD ABHRS

Seager Medical Group,

Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Dr. Cam Simmons is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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  • Senior Member

Good question and great answers so thank you gents.


How long after the operation you can start using mino? Some say a week, two weeks, a month. When is it 'safe' to do so?

Which type of mino would be more effective for this period to promote growth & slow the shedding? Lotion, solution or foam?

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