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Just had my 5000+ with Dr. Arocha yesterday

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I was amazed how quickly time flew by! We started around 8am (one of the technicians, Craig, picked me up from my hotel hat 7:30). Extracting the donor area seemed to take no time whatsoever. The procedure ended around 7:15pm. We focused mainly on the hairline - about 2500, then another 1500 behind there, with the remaining amount at the crown.


They must have gone through a gallon of numbing solution on me, since I metabolized it so fast. I was given a vicodin prescription, but honestly, Tylenol worked just as well.


Afterwards, Dr. Arocha drove me back to my hotel himself. He runs a very service-oriented office. Now it's just a matter of playing the waiting game. I'm hoping for signs of grown in about 4 months range, but am well aware it usually takes 12-18 months to see the full results.

I'll set up a blog on this site when I get home so I can start charting progress on a month-to-month basis.

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Glad your session went so well. Just like you, I kept asking for more pain shots since my body kept metabolising it so fast. It got to the point where the doctor said were giving you too much, can you hang on for a few more minutes? Were almost done. Either he was afraid I would overdose, or he was being cheap with the meds. But i did have a LOT of injections.

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okay, in the process of uploading pics/making a blog.

Dutch - I've been on propecia over a year, and I suppose it's slowed/stabilized my loss. I was also on Rogaine for a full year, and my scalp didn't respond to it one bit. So this HT was kind of my rogaine-alternative.

Another piece of advice - just stay away from the valium pills after the procedure. Take your tylenol or vicodin, and leave it at that. I was very nauseous last night, a few hours after the surgery, and apparently it was due to having too much valium in me.

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Congratulations! Dr. Arocha regularly posts knock out results. I'm sure yours will be no exception. I look forward to viewing your pics.


Happy growing!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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