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How much hair lose in normal a day?

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  • Regular Member

ok its been 1 month my hair has been falling out heapsicon_frown.gif


i used to lose about 5 hairs a day in the shower and thought that was bad all of a sudden over the last month i lose around 20+ a day in the shower i went without a shower for 5 days and lost 100 in the showericon_frown.gif


also lose a couple on the pillow and during the day on my top etc.


Im already on nizoral 2% for last 2 weeks and it hasn't stopped it and im really worried now


Hair breaks of pretty easy after not having shower for 2 days alsoicon_frown.gif


My dad had male pattern baldness from temples only and recedded but no full even though he is now in his 40's but losing this much hair a day makes me feel like i will go from front and backicon_frown.gif


My hair is pretty long for a male.


I been using hair spray for last 2 months but im not sure if that could be causing it.


I have n ever had this before in my life the hair lose.

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  • Senior Member

It is normnal to shed 100 hairs each day whether you have hairloss or not,just!!!.If you dont wash your hair for a few days then it obviously has a build up of shed hairs from previous days that will wash out at the same time giving the illusion of more shedding.Some people who shed very few hairs can still have hairloss because the follicle wont produce another hair and people who shed lots can have a full head of hair because the follicle is healthy and produces another full strength hair.

HT 2006/7

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