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2000 grafts with Dr Feller

Guest Nicko3105

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Guest Nicko3105

Hi Guys


Well I thought i would just start this thread about my experience as i am going through it so others can get an insight of whats its like getting a HT.


Well I started noticing my hairline starting to receed at about 23, it has been receeding very very slowly over the last few years (ill be 27 in two weeks) I started propecia at 24 and it has helped maintain my hair in the crown (not the hairline as i believe it dosent work there anyway )


I STUPIDLY went for a HT with a Dr in ireland in may last year before i found this forum and as far as i can tell he placed about 100 hairs(not grafts into my hairline) so since may of last year i research and research and research and came to the conclusion that Dr Feller was the most consistant with good results so i got in touch with spex (who has been an incredible help) and now have my appointment on friday.


So I fly out tomorrow to NYC and am staying in the ramada with my procedure on friday and fly home on sunday. To be honest I cant wait to get it done and this forum and reading all the posts from other people has really helped keep my nervs at bay so thanks to all :D


I will keep u all updated each month and if anyone wants to know anything or if i have left something out just let me know.


I have attached a few pics so u can see what my hair is like before hand :)



Thanks again to you all ;)





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Guest Nicko3105

Hey Lads, I have landed in JFK and am now in the adria hotel ( not the ramada, nit sure why i thought i was staying there lol) The flight was grand, customs took their time but sure whats new. so i have my apointment tomorrow morning at 7.45 and im really excited about it.... it not every day u get to pick out ur own hairline :D:D:D within reason of course. so im going to go to sleep as i think i have been up way to lng for one day... i brought me camera with me so ill put up pics after the procedure tomorrow :)

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Guest Nicko3105

Ok well I have just finished my procedure with Dr feller. :D


I arrived at about 7.15 and he arrived at about 7.25 we went in and we discussed what needed to be done. He then drew on the hairline where we both agreed the hairline should be. The best thing is you can tell him what you want done and he will try and see if its feasible, which in this case it was.


Once the recepient area was outlined the donar area was looked at and the lines drawn in in this area. My previous scar was too high to be redone, but i kinda knew that before i came in anyway. Taking the strip is not as bad as one might think, for a start you cant feel anything anyway and the injections are not that bad. Once thats stapled up the hair follicles are disected. while this is being done Dr feller is punching tiny slits into my hairline which again is numbed and again dosent really hurt. I went in expecting 2000 grafts and i think i got a little over 2200 and alot of them were 2's and 3's which i was delighted about.


They are then placed into the tiny slits by the technitians which are very nice and friendly. Dr feller comes in regurarly to check and see if i was ok and check on the progress of his work. This whole procedure from start to finsh took about 6 hours and that includes a chat at the start and lunch.


Dr Feller is extremly professional, but it is very easy to talk to him and he made me feel very comfortable every step of the way. I am extremly happy with the prodcedure so far and my hairline looks packed full of hair and i think its going to be a great outcome. I would have no hesitation recommending Dr Feller and his crew :)


I am hoping he will put up my pics on this thread when he gets a chance :D


Thanks Again Dr Feller and your Crew.

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Guest Nicko3105

Thanks for that, I cant believe i finally have that done and it was so easy, The Doctor really really makes it such a pleasent experience. He even paid for my taxi home as i was so worried this morning i forgot to take out money from the ATM machine lol ( my last HT doctor wouldnt even show me to the Door... )


Dr Feller said I have plenty of hair if i ever need another procedure and my hair is not as fine as i was told my my last HT surgeon. Dr feller couldnt have told me anything better as those two things were what i was most worried about for a long time!!


I dont even have any words to thank him enough, I really dont want to see a HT surgeon again but if I do I would have no hesitation in going to him. Himself and Spex make a really really good team and they have changed this experience from an absolute nightmare to a " light at the end of the tunnel" experience for me!!

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Nick, here are the photos of your procedure today. Excellent characteristics all around. Entire hairline was rebuilt with pure single hair follicular units dense packed and 2-3 hair follicular units behind also packed. 2,200 grafts total. Procedure began at about 8Pm and ended at 2pm.


Many thanks to Nick for being a truly excellent patient, but also allowing himself to be used as a live model to show perspective patients visiting our office for consultation what an actual procedure looks like and involves.


Grow well Nick and I look forward to your updates.



Dr. F














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Guest Nicko3105

no worries Dr Feller, the photo's look really really good thanks for putting them up so quickly :) Thanks again for all you help and ill put up photos during my hair growth ....



p.s That sandwich was really really good :D

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Guest Nicko3105

ok so im just going to give a little update(don worry im not going to do it day by day) last night sleeping upright was uncomfortable, not that my head hurt or anything just uncomfortable. i suppose it would be with staples in your head :P. So im heading home tomorrow, back to the grindstone, but i have seen on here that some people would compare a HT to a dentist visit, I woulnt.... i would compare it to a very long haircut as a dentist usually causes more pain that the HT procedure.


I cant stop looking in the mirror and thinking Im finally going to have a rounded hairline instead of a V shaped one :D:D:D

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Guest Nicko3105

Hey Guys, Just thought id do an update, today is day 12 i think and i just had my stitches out thank god, they were kinda irritating when i was trying to sleep but it feels great that they are out....



I have posted some pics of my hairline now. I have shaved my head so it all looks even and I cannot fuc*ing believe i actually have a rounded hairline. I had my head shaved for a while when i was in australia but it looked stupid as it was in the shape of a V where the hair had receeded and now its rounded..


In the pics the right hand side looks a bit thiner but im gonna put that down to some of the hairs falling out over the last few days. One question is this the correct time for some of the hair to start falling out or would that be grafts actually falling out????


Anyway so far delighted is not the correct word . I cannot believe the job Dr Feller did to my hair.


I have also taken pics of my scar, now the really bad one is from that botch job by Dr Kiely and the lower one that is pencil thin is from Dr Feller I might get a bit of FUE in the future to fill in Dr Kielys scar but at the moment i dont really give a shi* , even the Dr today takeing out my stitches commented on what a remarkable job Dr Fellers is. :D





Thank you SO much Dr Feller and Spex ;):D


Please let me know what u guys think :)






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  • Regular Member

Hey man, congratulations. I had a procedure with Dr. Feller last April that was very similar to yours. Like you, I really can't say enough good things about him. I agree 100% that he will do his best to give you what you want. In fact, he even let me draw the hairline myself, and like you I received around 200 extra grafts as well. Just recently I returned to him for a smaller procedure to add a little more density, but I've been thrilled with the results so far, and honestly can not wait for the newest hair to grow in. Good luck with everything, I'm sure you're going to be happy as well, the pictures look great. If you'd like to know more about my experience, here is the link:



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Guest Nicko3105

Hey spex, yea its going good so far, most of the grafts have fallen out and it looks really sparse around the hairline :( hahaha but i know this is supposed to happen.


There is still some redness around the graft site but my mum gave me vitamin E oil to rub on it. I told her the other day i got a HT as I hadnt told her as i was worried she would think im vein and just to accept whats supposd to happen blah blah blah but surpirsingly she was extremly supportive and was curious about the procedure, she thought the work was amazing and the scar was the best she has seen ( she is a pharmacist and has seen many) so i was relieved to finally tell her.

I feel so much better for it. :D


I didnt really think about the affect having a HT would have on my life afterwards as in downtime, wearing hats in public, watching for people pulling them off ur head in pubs etc. thats a bit of advice i would give people. the procedure is a doddle but watching urself afterwards and the social aspect of that downtime starts taking its toll.


Ill post some more pics at the 1 month mark but if anyone wants to know anything or if i have left something out just let me know.

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Guest Nicko3105

hey guys i couldnt sleep so i thought id just write on this. its been over three weeks and my grafts have definitly started to fall out, there all over my pillow in the morning, i know this is supposed to happen and no matter how often u hear this it still is kinda depressing when it happens :( i know this is said all the time too but my origional hairline looks thinner then before, im not sure what this is from...is it shock loss or am i just imagining it ?? i just hope these start growing soon lol :)


jesus i was just thinking i never want to have to do this again!!

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  • Senior Member


This sounds pretty normal for 3 weeks. I can remember around the 3rd week, looking at my native hair behind the transplant area and thinking it looked really thin. I couldn't remember if it looked that way preop or not and wasn't sure if I was imaging it. Eventually, after comparing pics I confirmed that it was thinner. But things started to look really good a few weeks after that and I am very happy now. So, hang in there, its very early in the game but time will go by quickly (or so it will seem when you look back).

5700 FUE in 3 procedures with Dr. Bisanga


View my patient website:


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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Nicko3105

Hi Guys,


I just thought id give an update, well its been 6 weeks since my transplant of 2200 grafts with Dr Feller of New york. I think at this stage i look the worst i have so far as the grafts have fallen out, my hairline is thinner than pre op and there is some shock loss around the scar area.


The time seems to be going relativly fast as i have become a hermit since the op and am just waiting for my origional hair to grow back.


There are some grafts that broke off and are now starting to grow back around the hairline. I tried to take some photo's but my camera is so shit it would capture them..


Anyway let me know what u think :)







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