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HRN Awards to the best Docs!


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  • Regular Member

Hi Forum,


I was just considering that this is a very powerful forum, it alone has given me the confidence to part with a lot of money and take the plunge into a HT with my eyes completely open to the affects and expectated results of the procedure. Not to overstate the point, but this forum stopped me from getting a botch job from Pakistan, which may have ruined my life. And you know what, i think that there's mileage to take this one step further.


I would propose the idea of having a poll to host remarkable work done by recommended docs from the patients themselves.


It would involve asking people who have evidence of getting HTs done and voting for the doc. The winning doctor should be awarded with a HTN certificate or plaque. I think that the docs will appreciate the recognition and who knows, maybe even give future patients who come from HTN a discount J


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That's an interesting idea. Members do already have the ability to create polls and creating such polls would allow members to vote for their favorite physician. However, given that the vast majority of patient members have varying opinions for different reasons based on subjectivity, awarding physicians formal certificates provided by the Hair Transplant Network may not be all that feasible.


Such polls and results may provide the patient community with an overall idea of which physician is more popular and why. However, those who are more popular aren't necessarily doing better work than those who aren't. I expect that physicians who are more involved and have more results presented on this community will get more votes. Perhaps this in itself will be the motivation other quality physicians recommended by this community need to become more actively involved on this forum.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member



I also think this is a compelling idea. Perhaps we just need to iron out the details of its implementation. Obviously, we wouldn't want it to turn into a popularity contest. It would need to be as objective as possible.


One idea might be to award certificates monthly for the best example presented that month. Categories could be Best Crown, Best Hairline, etc.


I'd love to see input from other members on this topic.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • Senior Member

I love David's idea. Vote monthly for best hairline, best crown, best before and after result, etc. It's better than just voting for a best doctor and being done with it.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

Given that HT practitioners are potential life savers, this is a real good idea. I am sure it will be one big task to choose the winner though. Also, not to favor only those related to HTs, how about giving an award for 'Best Application of Concealer' ;) I would apply for a nomination right away!:cool:

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  • Regular Member

I suppose reviewing the work done each month is more workable than a surgeon. The only problem is that rating a surgeon's results also risks offending the patient who has had work done.


The main problem with an award for HT surgeons is that most people on here that have had HTs will only have had them with one or two good surgeons. A person who has had an op with Feller can only really talk about his experiences with that surgeon, how can he or she really have an unbiased and subjective opinion about William Lindsay or Ron Shapiro, for example?


Still, we could do a forum Metacritic of each surgeons work!:D


That was a joke, by the way.

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  • Regular Member

It doesn t make any sense...we all know who the best doctors are plus some we don t know because they are not involved with the hairloss industry...i guess they are many...and in fact i think this is not good idea due to argues that will happen...i ve seen this before

Edited by hairlosscursed
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