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How much say do YOU get?

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  • Senior Member

Hi all, I'm trawling the posts and getting some great info on this site, but one thing that concerns me is the surgeons opinions.


I'm not saying that anyone should not take a surgeons advice, but I'm hearing that some surgeons do not really listen to what the patient wants and instead they have their own Ideas about what they are going to do with your hairline without even discussing it.


Now I know that it pretty much boils down to your personal harvest and what can be achieved with that and that is absolutely fine, but I'd hate to go to a clinic and be told by a doctor what HE would like to do and not what I want. I think it is a very personal thing and what someone thinks looks good on a person will look bad to another. How can you get close to a preference if you don't know what the preference is?


Personally I'd like to draw my own hairline on, tell the doctor what I want and THEN from there he can advise me on whether it is possible or not and we can tweak it to a good compromise and both decide what is best.


What are your experiences of this? What surgeons will sit and listen to what you want and what surgeons will just tell you what they will do? If I am traveling and paying lost of money I certainly want to put in my tuppenceworth first and go from there.


Thanks all.

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  • Senior Member

I belive most if not all of the surgeons that are recommended on this site take into account what the patient wants. They will sit down with you and see what you are looking for, and they will tell you if that is realistic or not. Then they will start designing the hair line and other areas with you and go over why certain designs may not be possible such as not having enough donor hair.

I am a consultant for Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. These opinions are my own.


Dr. Robert True and Dr. Robert Dorin are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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