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Online Prescriptions


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I've always been reluctant to buy any prescription medication online unless a reputable doctor has given me a prescription.


I have no doubt that some are legitimate. But knowing which are and which aren't takes a lot more work.


In the past, spammers have used this kind of thread to start promoting their sites. So be wary of newer members posting on this thread trying to push their online pharmacy. That right there should give you an indication of how cautious you need to be.


Best wishes,



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You can try these websites:






The only problem for me is that they use Global Express mail and not courier service like FedEx or DHL etc.


Bill is right about spam posters who promote unsolicited business. You need to be careful.


BTW, are you the guy that makes the liquid concoction with the Vitamin C tablet to put on your scalp, and how is the MSM working for you?

take care...



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Come to Portugal! icon_smile.gif Competition among pharmacies is so ferocious here, they never ask for a prescription. It's cheaper and safer - you know you're getting the real thing. I never buy drugs on the Internet, the risks are too high. It is estimated that over 90% of the drugs that are being sold on the Internet are counterfeit.


If you can't come to Portugal, here's a reliable website (it's expensive, though):



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Actually, I need to update the sig...stopped taking the MSM and Biotin just using Johnson's baby shampoo instead of the Revita.


Haven't tried the Vit C concoction...but if you hear good things, let me know...



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