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When to safely use hair gel after HT surgery?

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  • Regular Member

Hi everyone


Today is my 6th day after my HT surgery and I was wondering what a safe time of starting to use a hair gel would be? I never went completely bald on the top of my head and I was able to comb the hair forward and lift the hair in the front up to create an illusion of more hair. Now, I can't wait for the scabs to fall off and be able to go back to the way I used to be - and cover the redness with my existing hair. My concern obviously is - would hair gel be harmful for the scalp area, the grafts and the existing hair? Could I experience more hair loss than normal due to the fact that my existing hair is under stress?


Any thoughts / experiences welcome. Thanks!

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  • Regular Member
At only 6 days, I would think its a bit early to use hair gel. But its only my opinion, best to call your doctor and ask.


Oh, absolutely.. I wasn't planning to put any on yet.


People seem to agree to the grafts are securely anchored after 7-10 days so if I give it an extra week or two, it might be safe to use gel? But I will ask the doctor for sure. I'm seeing him soon to get my stitches removed.

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  • Regular Member

Interestingly, the nurse that took off the stitches said they're securele anchored at this point and saw no problem in gel use immediately. I will use it sparingly, only in situations where it can help me such as meeting, but as said she though it's fine to use it already. It's been a week since my surgery.

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  • 3 years later...
  • Senior Member

I'm curious, on what grounds would you say to wait? I waited 15 days (not by my doctor's advice) after my last procedure and there was no harm. If the transplants are in, and most other sources say you're okay at 10 days to do whatever, what's the harm? Obvously, this isn't something you'd want to do in the first week or if there are still crusts. But at 10 days, if the transplants are secure, I don't see an issue


Also, I'm still thinking what's the difference between gel and rogaine. Both have alcohol and if anything, the rogaine goes directly on the grafts, and could potentially disturb them. If I wash out the gel and the grafts are still there (which I'm about 99% sure they will be) what could be the harm? I mean can alcohol from gel dry out the grafts?


I guess for anyone, ya, gel can harm the hair. But how can it specifically hinder growth/development of transplants?

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