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What type of products do you recommend for my case?

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  • Regular Member

Hey guys,


I just recently joined this website. I am a 24 y.o.m. and I am currently headed for a NW6+. You can also take a look at the picture I have attached. I posted my story in the Q and A section of the forum inquiring about the possible solutions for my situation. I have decided to take finasteride 1.25 mg (or even smaller if side effects bother me) and go back to Rogaine which I used for quite a while in the past.


Since my money situation is tight now and will be for a few years, and also my hair loss has not stabilized yet, Maxxy and some other members told me that it is now too early to think about a HT surgery. They told me to stick with medical therapy and shampoos, concealers, etc. for a few years until I can give surgery a more serious consideration. But the funny thing is that any time you start to get into a new topic (shampoos, etc.) and research it, there is so much information out there and on this website that you easily get overloaded.


I understand that not any of these might acually be useful to me but I never know until I try. However, I wanted to know if you guys with more experience on this website and having a look at my scalp and pattern of hair loss on my picture could recommend some shampoos and also concealers. With all these products out there and so many price ranges, it is just plain difficult to decide unless of course you seek advice on here. icon_biggrin.gif


I have read on some threads that Revita has been a good choice; however, some members mentioned that it is just plain expensive and not worth the price. I have to say that I am guilty of using a cheap shampoo which I am sure has not really helped my hair's appearance. Also I am not sure if with my pattern of hair loss I should try to use concealers or I would run the risk of looking like a clown. icon_eek.gif Honestly I have never shaved my head, and I definitely would not mind trying it. I am young and have a round head and also am pretty good with growing and keeping a goaty (my beard looks reddish even though I have dark eyebrows and features icon_biggrin.gif ) So I might end up shaving my head and giving it a try at least one time to see how I look like. But then again, I'd rather keep my hair if possible and not shave it for now at least.


I certainly think finasteride, rogaine and a good shampoo are a must for me right now but other than that I am not sure. Any advice would be appreciated. icon_wink.gif


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  • Senior Member
Don't waste your money on shampoos & potions. They will not help your situation at all.

I wouldn't even waste money on Fin or Rogaine.

try shaving.




Of course you're entitled to your opinion, however, just so the op and other readers don't get disheartened, millions would disagree with you and as far as Finasteride and Minoxidil go - consumer results and scientific tests prove you wrong.


If you were making your statements specifically for Balding1985's situation, then I disagree. I believe he stands a good chance of benefiting a great deal from Finasteride, Minoxidil and a good shampoo (ketoconazole based).

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