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little bumps?

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hello everyone

so herez the story.. im 20 and i just got my first ht 3 months ago, the scar looks alright wich i thought was gr8 but i realised about 2 weeks post op that i had tiny little bumps where every transpalnted graft was put, i thot it was temporary but now, 3 months post op i still see them and they are almost disfiguring :S i also noticed some ridging on the right temple.. i will post pic as soon as i can find the wire that connects my phone to the computer.. i visited a dermatologist 2 months post op, he prescribed an antibiotic and said it was folliculitis wich i told him i was pretty sure it wasnt and one month on the antibiotics it looks the same wich confirmed to me that i was right it wasnt folliculitis.. then i asked him what should be done if its not folliculitis and he suggested cortisone injections and perhaps some cortisone ointment..

im not sure what to do so i came here to see what u guys think about this

any help will be much appreciated

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  • Senior Member



When you get a chance, definitely upload an image. This should really help the community analyze the "bumps" and give an opinion (note: not a medical opinion) on what is causing them. Personally, it sounds to me like you may be experiencing some "pitting" or "cobble stoning" from the graft placement/incisions.


Have you considering contacting the operating surgeon and asking him/her to review your scalp?

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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thx for the quick response.. yes i thought it was cobblestoning..


i thought about contacting my surgeon whose name i will not reveal for now at least.. but i rlly dont think therez anything he can do for me anymore.. im just trying not to get too worked up or else i ll just go crazy. im just gonna try to solve the situation.. so let me post another question.. has anyone had cortisone (or other steroid injections) to fix this?


i ve also herd abt fraxel but id like to explore the cortisone thing first as it sounds much simpler and a lot less expensive..

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Had the same problem. My surgeon advised me to "scrub" the area vigorously (with my fingernails) when showering and after a couple of months, the majority of the small bumps went away.


I continue to "scrub" the area as a matter of course.


There may be one or two hairs that are raised, as you describe them.


Another surgeon told me it was "tenting"; when the grafts are placed at too much of a height above the receiving tissue.


Please post some pics.

take care...



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yea man ur right i am too young for this.. unfortunately u only realise u made a mistake when its too late.

anyways here are the pics that ive promised they re not the best quality and the bumps appear to be white but they re not and the recipient area skin seems shiny and in very poor health

any opinions wd be appreciated



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  • Senior Member



At 3 months post-operative, it may be a bit soon to make a definite diagnosis on what's causing these small bumps. Frankly, I'm still inclined to believe that it's pitting/cobble stonning, but I do recommend consulting with the clinic that performed the work and obtaining their definite opinion.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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  • 6 years later...

Hi Jay. I got a hair transplant done a year ago and am experiencing the same issue. Redness and tiny bumps where hairs were placed...aka tenting.


Just wondering how your scalp managed these past 6 years. Did you find any success eliminating the bumps? Have you just lived with it?


I've been looking into all options to heal my scalp, and am also considering wearing a hair System since I wear a hat everyone I go anyways.



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  • Senior Member
Hi Jay. I got a hair transplant done a year ago and am experiencing the same issue. Redness and tiny bumps where hairs were placed...aka tenting.


Just wondering how your scalp managed these past 6 years. Did you find any success eliminating the bumps? Have you just lived with it?


I've been looking into all options to heal my scalp, and am also considering wearing a hair System since I wear a hat everyone I go anyways.



It appears Jay hasn't been on-line at this forum in over 5 years, I'd shoot him a PM and see if that lands in his email inbox, perhaps he'll reach out to you that way.


Good luck, feel free to start your own cobblestoning thread to reach out to the members of the community with knowledge and experience dealing with the issue.

Hair loss patient and transplant veteran. Once a Norwood 3A.

Received 2,700 grafts with coalition doctor on 8/13/2010

Received 2,380 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 9/30/2011

Received 1,820 grafts with Dr. Steven Gabel on 7/28/2016

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