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Just had my transplant - Dr. Feller 2200 Grafts

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Overall the strip surgery went well. The Novocaine injections were the worst part, and they weren't so bad. They hurt slightly more than what I usually experience at the dentist. Luckily, Dr. Feller and his staff were extremely friendly, easy to talk to, and really helped put my mind at ease as they walked me through every step of the procedure as it was happening.


For me, sitting still for 3 hours straight was tough, because I am extremely fidgety. My savior was the TV situated right in front of me to distract me. I chose The Matrix from a list of movies they had (not as good the second time around).


I believe just over 4000 hairs were transplanted. Dr. Feller said that my donor area was very thick and he expects good results. I feel lucky to at least have a good donor area after being dealt a bad hand with the MPB.


I will be keeping a picture blog (see the link below) and I will try to update it as frequently as possible.

Edited by bobjenkins29
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  • Senior Member

Hey buddy,


I'm 10 days ahead of you with Dr. Feller, had my staples out on Monday morning before flying back to the UK. I had a similar amount of grafts too so look forward to 'growing with you' :)


It looks like you have a fair amount of thick hair already, so I have no doubt your result will be fabulous :)



July 2002 HT #1 - Bosley NY - 1800 Grafts

Feb 2011 HT #2 - Feller Medical - 2372 Grafts

July 2012 HT #3 - Feller Medical - 1702 Grafts (no pics as yet)

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Welcome to the Dr. Feller post-op club! If you have any questions/concerns just ask as we're all in the same boat....

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Congratulations! I look forward to your viewing your photos and following your progress.


Best of luck,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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  • Regular Member

Hi...I have been on this site for a while now and am on the fence about getting a transplant...prob a norwood 2.5...hairline is my issue not the crown. It seems like he shaves the area first?! Is this customary in all HT's? I am most afraid that people will notice my HT so by shaving it i gather it is quite hard to conceal?! I was always under the impression that the other hair you have can act as a concealer for the HT?! Please advise...also does Dr. Feller charge for a consultation? Thanks!!!

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The area being worked on does need to be shaved down, but surrounding areas do not (except the strip from the donor area). Some people are able to comb their existing hair over the area worked on to conceal it, but I guess it really depends on hair length etc. I shaved all my hair off myself afterwards since I couldn't bear it all different lengths and it looked ridiculous.



July 2002 HT #1 - Bosley NY - 1800 Grafts

Feb 2011 HT #2 - Feller Medical - 2372 Grafts

July 2012 HT #3 - Feller Medical - 1702 Grafts (no pics as yet)

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zo1279, most doctors do shave the area that is transplanted, but there are a few I've read about that don't require it and transplant in between existing hairs (there has been some debate regarding which method is better). With the shaving, I believe it's very hard to conceal the fact that you've had a transplant, and although alot of people on here may disagree, I would personally never get a transplant done unless I had at least a month where I could hibernate in my apartment without human contact. Luckily, I have some time off work right now, which is why I decided it was a good time for me to get this done.

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