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Need some advice...

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I'm a 35 yr old male that has been experiencing thinning/balding for the past 7 years or so.


I've attached a photo of head. You'll note the vertex is the primary culprit, however, the front is now thinning and in the process of falling out. Note, i have pretty decent donor areas with thick hair (at least for the time being.)


How many grafts do you think I'll need? I'm in the process of getting a consultation with Dr. Vogel in Maryland.


Also, how much do you think it would cost me for such a procedure? (i know it's a case-by-case determination but just wanted a rough ballpark figure so I can start saving).


After perusing this forum for a couple of hours today, I find it's very informative and not just simply a marketing scheme for a particular group or doctor. Thanks.


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hey quantum,


Your crown actually doesnt look too bad all things considered, but your vertex loss combined with the top is pretty extensive. Plus, you have definite loss in your frontal 1/3rd, though the front of your hairline itself looks pretty strong still.


Assuming finances aren't a major deterrent, I would consider going in for a max-session, and squeeze out as many grafts as you safely can. 4k+ without question is what I'd shoot for, and if you managed to get more all the better.


I would get on finasteride/propecia to try to maintain the boundaries in your crown and laterals, preventing further loss.


As for cost...it depends on the clinic and how many grafts they reccomend for you, and then actually extract, but I would guess it'd be in the neighberhood of ~15k if you went for a mega-session.


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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You should look into taking Finasteride (Propecia/Proscar) which stands a good chance of preventing or slowing any further loss, it may even regrow some hair but you shouldn't expect this. You should also try foam again (if you can handle it), in the hope of regrowing some hair or again slowing or preventing any further loss. In my opinion both these treatments should be tested for at least a year before deciding whether or not to proceed down the transplant route.

Judging from your photo, I'd agree with Thana. You would require a large amount of grafts (4000+) to get a truely pleasing result. If I had your loss I'd personally go with Hasson and Wong, however, you should do your own research and consult with a few surgeons.


The cost and amount of grafts will vary between each clinic and your personal goals.

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quantum, I've tried both propecia and proscar. Didn't really show any results, although I didn't start until my 30s. That being said, while the meds may help maintain what you have, I wouldn't expect much in terms of re-growth.


As others have suggested, I'd say you need at least 4K+ for a pleasing result. Also, there are two courses of action you can take with an HT: first, you can go for maximum coverage which would sacrifice density. Or, you could do the opposite and concentrate more on the frontal half of your scalp and go for higher density. Either way, it's likely your going to want a second procedure. You may also want a second procedure due to further native hair loss.


I don't know much about Dr. Vogel, but do know H&W's work. They are known for their megasessions and refined work. I'd say do as many consults as you can and then gauge what you're comfortable with. I also suggest not letting price or travel dictate who you go to. If that's an issue, wait a bit longer and save. Best of luck!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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