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help me guys in DHT present in my scalp


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hi guys ,


i have been taking finax(fin) for about 4 -5 months , for the first month i shaved my head for checking whether it works or not, as the days goes i can feel that no gap in the growth of hair , but i din't use mintop( minoxidil ) along with fin , so my hairs were so thin but by god grace i got hair in full head without gap , but still all the hairs in the front and in the crown are thin and it is not showing special effect in turning to thick hair . And now i feel i am loosing quit some less amount of my hair day by day


1 . so i am getting confused whether the quit amount of hair loss happens now even after taking finax (finasteride) is due to not using minoxidil ? :confused::confused:

or it is due to something else ?


And i want two future more thing s to know from you all guys ,



1. i am going to continue using mintop (minoxidil) , there are two available here in my place 1% and 2 % , 2% is quit cheaper than 1% , so please suggest me whether can i take 2% of minoxidil ? :confused::confused:


2. my itching still remains here and there of my head in front and in crown , but it is much better than before . Before 3 months itching was like horrible , so i was using " DERMOVATE" for itching and it is helping some what and stopping the itching , but if the days goes it will again start itching :(:( . so i started reading about it in our forum and I found about DHT blocker in our forum


[link]http://www.hairlosslearningcenter.org/content/topical-hair-loss-treatment/DHT-inhibitors.asp[/link]DHT acts as a catalyst for the hair loss process as it binds with the  receptor sites in hair follicles that are genetically        vulnerable to hair loss. Over time, this process of DHT acting on the  genetically vulnerable hair follicles hurts their ability        to grow healthy hair.  

and i also found their they have mentioned some several topical treatments like Revivogen, Crinagen, Progesterone Creams and Xandrox that claim to minimize or block the amount of dyhydrotestosterone (DHT) present in the scalp.


so please tell me which one of these " Revivogen, Crinagen, Progesterone Creams and Xandrox" are really good DHT blocker :confused::confused::confused:

Edited by funkygarzon
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  • Senior Member

If you are seeing results after only 4-5 months of Finasteride, you're doing good! Finasteride really needs a year or more to start seeing real improvement. Some people continue to see improvement up to 3 years. And combining Fin with Minoxidil has a synergistic effect, kind of a 1+1=3 if you know what I mean. I'd definitely use the 2%, or the 5% if you can find it in your country. 1% is extremely weak.


I used to have itching, but after I started using Nizoral shampoo one or two times a week it is all gone. See if you can get your hands on a bottle of Nizoral, or any shampoo containing Ketoconazole. The Ketoconazole is also a mild DHT blocker.

Finasteride 1.25 mg. daily

Avodart 0.5 mg. daily

Spironolactone 50 mg twice daily

5 mg. oral Minoxidil twice daily

Biotin 1000 mcg daily

Multi Vitamin daily


Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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  • Regular Member
If you are seeing results after only 4-5 months of Finasteride, you're doing good! Finasteride really needs a year or more to start seeing real improvement. Some people continue to see improvement up to 3 years. And combining Fin with Minoxidil has a synergistic effect, kind of a 1+1=3 if you know what I mean. I'd definitely use the 2%, or the 5% if you can find it in your country. 1% is extremely weak.




thank you very much for you reply "RCWest" buddy ,


thank you buddy sure i will find for 5% of minoxidil , and will use it :):):)


I used to have itching, but after I started using Nizoral shampoo one or two times a week it is all gone. See if you can get your hands on a bottle of Nizoral, or any shampoo containing Ketoconazole. The Ketoconazole is also a mild DHT blocker


Actually i am using Nizoral weekly twice , but still i don't see any synergistic effect on my itching that is why i asked for any other good DHT blocker like Revivogen, Crinagen, Progesterone Creams and Xandrox" or any thing else other than these buddy ? :confused:


One of our forum friend told me to take "resveratrol and curcumin" for itching , will this help me ?

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Unfortunately, even proven non-surgical hair loss treatments like Propecia and Rogaine are limited in what they can accomplish. Even effective non-surgical treatments are typically a lot better at slowing down and stopping hair loss than regrowing lost hair. In many cases, Propecia and Rogaine can strengthen and thicken miniaturized hair (hair thinner in appearance due to the effects of DHT), making your hair appear more full again. There are some alternative credible non-surgical treatments available, but we strongly suggest trying those proven to stop hair loss first, like Propecia and Rogaine.


Feel free to visit our online hair loss product store to see which treatments we believe are credible.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member


Unfortunately, even proven non-surgical hair loss treatments like Propecia and Rogaine are limited in what they can accomplish. Even effective non-surgical treatments are typically a lot better at slowing down and stopping hair loss than regrowing lost hair. In many cases, Propecia and Rogaine can strengthen and thicken miniaturized hair (hair thinner in appearance due to the effects of DHT), making your hair appear more full again. There are some alternative credible non-surgical treatments available, but we strongly suggest trying those proven to stop hair loss first, like Propecia and Rogaine.


Feel free to visit our online hair loss product store to see which treatments we believe are credible.


Best wishes,




yes i will use Propecia and Rogaine bro , but please tell me some good DHT blocker ,because i am getting irritated due to itching cased by DHT and it hurts a lot .even thou i am using nizoral shampoo i am not getting relief bro ... so please help me :(

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Currently, there is no greater FDA approved DHT blocker than Propecia (finasteride) for treating hair loss. Many balding men do choose to use Avodart (dutasteride) as it blocks both Type1 and Type 2 5-alpha-reductase (the enzyme associated with the conversation of testosterone into DHT). But, Avodart is not currently FDA approved for the treatment of hair loss.


It's not always the answer patients are looking for but, at the moment, the very best medical hair loss treatment is the combination of finasteride, minoxidil and Nizoral shampoo. There is simply nothing better at this time.


When one of these is simply not an option due to side effects or some other reason then some of the other treatments you have mentioned may be a viable alternative.


I have no other solution to your chronic itching. I have personally experienced relief from itching using Nizoral 2 to 3 times per week. If this is not helping then your dermatologist may have another solution.


Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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Currently, there is no greater FDA approved DHT blocker than Propecia (finasteride) for treating hair loss. Many balding men do choose to use Avodart (dutasteride) as it blocks both Type1 and Type 2 5-alpha-reductase (the enzyme associated with the conversation of testosterone into DHT). But, Avodart is not currently FDA approved for the treatment of hair loss.


It's not always the answer patients are looking for but, at the moment, the very best medical hair loss treatment is the combination of finasteride, minoxidil and Nizoral shampoo. There is simply nothing better at this time.


When one of these is simply not an option due to side effects or some other reason then some of the other treatments you have mentioned may be a viable alternative.


I have no other solution to your chronic itching. I have personally experienced relief from itching using Nizoral 2 to 3 times per week. If this is not helping then your dermatologist may have another solution.


Best of luck!



thank you for your kindful reply bro ,


yes of course bro , as you said i get relief from itching only for one day after using Nizoral shampoo , but after one day itching starts again and i have to wait for another day for applying shampoo to get relief from itching . :(:(:(


1. so can you please tell me how long it will take to stop itching after using " fin+minoxidil+Nizoral" ?


2. can i take " avodart(dutasteride) "along with " finasteride" ? will it completely stop my itching ?


itching is the only problem for me because by god(jesus christ) grace i got full head hair with out any gap :):) .

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NO! You shouldn't take Avodart and Propecia together. Patients take Avodart or Propecia to slow or reverse hair loss caused by androgenic alopecia or genetic balding. The medications work by suppressing the conversion of testosterone to DHT. DHT is the hormone responsible for genetic hair loss. These medications will not treat your itching.


If you are not balding then you shouldn't be taking either of these medications unless your doctor has prescribed them for prostate issues.


You really need to speak to a dermatologist.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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NO! You shouldn't take Avodart and Propecia together. Patients take Avodart or Propecia to slow or reverse hair loss caused by androgenic alopecia or genetic balding. The medications work by suppressing the conversion of testosterone to DHT. DHT is the hormone responsible for genetic hair loss. These medications will not treat your itching.


If you are not balding then you shouldn't be taking either of these medications unless your doctor has prescribed them for prostate issues.


You really need to speak to a dermatologist.


NO ! my dear friend , you didn't understand me clearly , sorry for my bad english . I was suffering from androgenic alopecia or genetic balding and i lost most of the hair from the front till crown before 4 months ,and i use to shave my head thinking that it will stop my hair loss , i can see balding pattern clearly in the mirror before 4 months . And by god(jesus christ ) grace i found this wonderful forum , and i requested for good medication for stopping hair loss and many of our forum members and you replied me and help me with love .


And especially by your instruction i started taking " fin" along with multi vitamin tablet but i didn't apply minoxidil , so after one month of medication, i shaved my head again and i found all the hair roots were present from front till crown and while growing also there were no gap (hair fall reduced) but all the hairs from front till crown were thin compare to the back and sides .


Now coming to my itching ; the itching really caused for me only on the hair lossed area and i am sure it is due to DHT , because their is no itching in the side and the back of my hair . And itching really reduced fro me compare to 4 months before . because 4 months before ,itching will be their from front till crown , but now itching is here and there i mean now itching is some what ok but not cured fully like it happen for you all guys .


1. The main purpose i started this thread to know that " is there any other medication which i can add with "fin+minoxidil+nizoral" that can block DHT which is present on my scalp " ? so that itching will be completely cured for me


2. coming to avodart(durasteride) ; can i take " duras " every after day like "RCWest " does ? :confused:

Edited by funkygarzon
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  • Senior Member

I experience itching like you in my thinning areas occasionally. Unfortunately there is no medication that will stop it. If you are using minoxidil sometimes that will be the cause for a dry itchy scalp. You may want to stop using it. In addition to nizoral shampoo you can also use head and shoulders as an everyday shampoo. It deprives a lot of itchiness and dryness. Give it a try.

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  • Regular Member
I experience itching like you in my thinning areas occasionally. Unfortunately there is no medication that will stop it. If you are using minoxidil sometimes that will be the cause for a dry itchy scalp. You may want to stop using it. In addition to nizoral shampoo you can also use head and shoulders as an everyday shampoo. It deprives a lot of itchiness and dryness. Give it a try.



thanks a lot for the reply my dear friend ,


Actually i have not yet started using "minoxidil " :(:(:( . But to see the energetic effect of hair becoming thicker i am going to use "minoxidil " .


1. bro, i don't trust "head and shoulder s " because it is not FDA approved shampoo right ? i am so much afraid whether it will affect the improvement of my current medication :( . And that too i will not wash my head daily ; only weekly twice i will wash my head with Nizoral shampoo .


are you applying " head and shoulder s" to your head daily ? is it maintaining your hair ?


2. if i am applying "minoxidil" daily , should i have to wash my hair daily with shampoo or just washing with water is enough bro ?

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thanks a lot for the reply my dear friend ,


Actually i have not yet started using "minoxidil " :(:(:( . But to see the energetic effect of hair becoming thicker i am going to use "minoxidil " .


1. bro, i don't trust "head and shoulder s " because it is not FDA approved shampoo right ? i am so much afraid whether it will affect the improvement of my current medication :( . And that too i will not wash my head daily ; only weekly twice i will wash my head with Nizoral shampoo .


are you applying " head and shoulder s" to your head daily ? is it maintaining your hair ?


2. if i am applying "minoxidil" daily , should i have to wash my hair daily with shampoo or just washing with water is enough bro ?


1. Head and Shoulders does not need to be fda approved. Its a mild shampoo that helps with dryness, flakes, and dandruff. It may help reduce your itchyness. It is ok to wash your hair with head and shoulders on the days you are not using nizoral. Head and shoulders should have no impact on hairloss


2. I would recommend if you are using minox daily that you wash your hair at least once a day. This will cleanse the skin, open pores, remove dirt and grease, etc...


I think you are looking too far into your hair regiment. These small changes or subtlties in hair care will not have a major impact (i.e. use of head and shoulders, or washing with just water)...

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1. Head and Shoulders does not need to be fda approved. Its a mild shampoo that helps with dryness, flakes, and dandruff. It may help reduce your itchyness. It is ok to wash your hair with head and shoulders on the days you are not using nizoral. Head and shoulders should have no impact on hairloss


2. I would recommend if you are using minox daily that you wash your hair at least once a day. This will cleanse the skin, open pores, remove dirt and grease, etc...


I think you are looking too far into your hair regiment. These small changes or subtlties in hair care will not have a major impact (i.e. use of head and shoulders, or washing with just water)...



thanks a lot my dear friend :) . sure i will wash my hair daily with" head and shoulder " but only after one month :(:( ! because i am really quite afraid of applying shampoo daily , so while using minox for one month i will wash my hair with just water and if i feel my hair is turning some what thicker then i will start using "head and sholders " daily . Because the thin hair have less strength in its root so it may fall off easily if we regularly apply shampoo :(:(:(:(


sorry if my guess is wrong buddy

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Guest stevebucknor1

This is really very important to know. Finasteride really needs a year or more to start seeing real improvement. Some people continue to see improvement up to 3 years. And combining Fin with Minoxidil has a synergistic effect, kind of a 1+1=3 if you know what I mean.




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