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Scheduled for First HT with Dr. Rahal


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Hi WildForest,


I also live in Toronto, and I have been considering hair transplant surgery and Dr. Rahal seems to be a good choice. I have always been self-concious about my appearance, and one thing that worries me most about HT is how I would look like during the 'ugly-duckling' period after surgery. I would like to listen to some advice from people who have done it before.


Right now, my hair loss is most severe on my forehead and temple and I have been keeping longer hair to try to conceal my forehead (it is becoming more difficult, and I am always afraid of windy days). You mentioned that you shaved the recipient area for the surgery; is this what the doctor recommended or is this just optional? I just hope I don't need to shave my head. Also, how long does the redness on the scalp last, is it only for a few weeks or would it last for months? And do you have to wear a hat most of the time few months after surgery?


I would really appreciate any advice. Thank you very much

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  • 1 month later...
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Thanks Jason! Glad to hear the scar is surprisingly thin! My scar is still a visible but I have been using what Dr. Rahal prescribed. I have recently been using Mederma as well. The scar on the left side (if you see my recent pictures) is still visible when the hair is cut short but the right side is much better. Good luck with your 2nd HT!

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Hi alan7777,


Based on my results and what I've seen on this forum, Dr. Rahal is the top 1 or 2 surgeons in Canada. Yes, shaving the recipient area is mandatory. I believe it's required because:


1. When the new hair is transplanted in the area, it does not intersect (I believe there is a more correct term) other existing hairs.

2. It is easier to transplant the hairs in the same direction as the existing hairs for a natural look.


I suggest you read up on this or you can ask Dr. Rahal for a more correct explanation.


As for the redness, it lasted only a few weeks (you can see my pictures as I've uploaded them every month). During my ugly duckling period, I would wear my hat more often.


For me, shaving my head was not an issue because I wanted to make sure my surgery went well. I think that it's better to be "bald and red" for a short period to ensure that the surgery and growth went well. Just my own opinion.


The growth has been great and people have noticed the difference. Some have questioned whether I had anything done because I looked more young. I told some of my close friends (thinking they would have guess anyways) and some of them didn't believe me, probably because it looked very natural. On one hand, you don't want anyone to know, but on the other hand, you want the improvements to be huge and with that people notice...guess you can't have both :)


Hope all this helps. If you have more questions, feel free to message me.


Good luck!

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Hi all,


I've just past my 5 month post operation mark and have uploaded my recent pics (4 month and 5 month mark). All in all, I'm quite happy with my progress considering it's just a bit over 5 months. I've started using Mederma on my scar to hopefully reduce the redness. Now, I'm just waiting for things to thicken up and looking forward to it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
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Hi everyone!


I've uploaded my 6 month and 8 month post-op pics. Hope they help!


About a month ago I met with Dr. Rahal in his Toronto office for him to assess my progress. Dr. Rahal has noted that there has been some stretching on the left scar (you can see this on my updated pictures). He said that it can be fixed if I wanted. I am considering this. Perhaps he will be doing some FUE in the area? I'm not sure but I will be setting up another meeting with him at the 12 month mark. I think I can decide once we hit that mark.


I'm currently keeping my hair short, getting a buzz cut every 2 weeks. The left scar is more visible because of the lack of hair in the area. I've been using mederma every once in a while. I've used it on both sides, more on the left side than on the right. I'm not sure if it helped but Dr. Rahal suggested I use it on one side only and compare the results.


Overall I am happy with the results. I hope the next few months the hair will thicken more. We'll wait and see!

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Hi Wild,


You are looking great! I like your choice to keep your hair closely cropped, and with a nice hair line like that, I am sure it really looks great in person too.


Did the clinic ever tell you your density in terms of density at the hair line and behind?


Just curious.


I'll be there myself in early jan!




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