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Please Help - Shock Loss Issue

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Hi everyone,


I've been very troubled w/ this shock loss i'm experiencing. I had the transplant exactly 3 months ago and am recovering from a shock loss. My doctor says that I should regrow the hair back, but I hear from others that the thinning hair doesn't come back. Unfortunately, most of the hair from the recipient area were probably widely covered w/ thinning hair.


Folks, could you please look at this before and after picture of the hair transplant. The "after" pic seems to have a lot less hair. If that's the case, are those lost hair likely to be back? Right now, the difference between the "before" picture is that the "before" pic looks like i'm receding, whereas now i look like i'm totally balding (my scalp is showing my skin completely pretty much).


Thanks in advance


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You definetly have had some shock loss. This is relatively common. Hang in there a little longer. Some of the shocked hairs and the newly transplanted follicles will start to grow soon. The hair follicles that were shocked and lost permanantly would most likely not have been on your head more than another year or so. Remember that you are replacing those lost thinner hairs with thicker healthier hairs.

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  • Regular Member

How far back did your doc put the grafts, if he put them

in between existing hair and back into the middle of

your scalp You will fine. You may want to take

propecia if you can tolerate it, and rogaine as well.

How many grafts were transplanted?

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