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Strip with Dr Feller on 27th Dec 2010


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All the best mate. I had mine done with Dr. Feller on Friday so just a few days ahead of you. I flew in from the UK too.


Looks like you had a nice head of hair already, so you'll be delighted with the final result I'm sure :)



July 2002 HT #1 - Bosley NY - 1800 Grafts

Feb 2011 HT #2 - Feller Medical - 2372 Grafts

July 2012 HT #3 - Feller Medical - 1702 Grafts (no pics as yet)

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I think most guys fly back a day or two later and have no problem. I've not heard of staples setting off the detector, but if they do it will be obvious once you remove your hat :).



I'm still in NY since I wanted Dr. Feller's team to be the ones to take out the staples. Plus I wanted a little extra time to heal. I had a horrific experience with Bosley 9 years ago which left me in quite a state for over 3 weeks (unable to see due to swelling etc) and I guess it haunted me too much to fly straight home. Day 3 and very little swelling so I've been out a fair amount and plan to get into Manhattan sometime this week too. I may as well make the most of it!



July 2002 HT #1 - Bosley NY - 1800 Grafts

Feb 2011 HT #2 - Feller Medical - 2372 Grafts

July 2012 HT #3 - Feller Medical - 1702 Grafts (no pics as yet)

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seddona, FYI, the swelling doesn't usually start until 2-3 days post-op, and when it does you can really look a bit freaky. It will last about 2-3 days. After I had my hairline done I looked like the elephant man and to be honest there is no way I would have been out in public. This time around the work was all further back so the swelling was minimal, but i did have a pocket of it in my forehead.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Due to my Bosley nightmare, I came prepared for swelling this time,.... and there was very very little. Some on my forehead and temples, but I bought a load of cold packs with me and keep them in the freezer and swap them over once they thaw out. I think a combination of the marvellous Dr. F's work and the ice packs kept my swelling at bay since I'm day 4 now and I don't see anything anymore. I'm just using the icepacks for the donor area as it's really soothing.



July 2002 HT #1 - Bosley NY - 1800 Grafts

Feb 2011 HT #2 - Feller Medical - 2372 Grafts

July 2012 HT #3 - Feller Medical - 1702 Grafts (no pics as yet)

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I got mine last week, so after the 7th day you can start washing your hair normally like before and some of the scabs that will form on the follicles implanted will fall down, so till you hit the 7th day post op you will have to wash it with a cup.

Believe me, I hate it cause not all of your hair will be clean and I got mine fairly long.

I cant wait to start washing it like before....

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seddona, Dr. Feller's instructions are indeed to return to normal washing on day 3. This does differ from other clinics. Dr. Feller feels after 48 hrs. those grafts are secure, and I have seen other docs concur with this. That being said, you should still be careful with them. I personally started lightly massaging the grafts at day 4 and didn't lose any. Now I am at day 8 and getting more crusting so I've been a bit more vigorous with the shampoo. I have also seen some hairs come out with the crusts which is normal. Staple removal Friday--yay!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Looks good! I had my staples out yesterday and it was probably the most painful part of the whole HT process, imo. The tech went quickly though and it was over in a few minutes. Feels so good to have those suckers out!

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Mine looked identical along with the redness. The pain/discomfort I experienced also lasted until the day I removed them, plus I don't think I had a decent night sleep after the Vicodin prescription run out...:D


Staples out, everything starts to get better. I am sure you have read before, but aloe vera gel took away some of that discomfort.


Good luck!

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absolutely natural.


This is my post 7 days after my procedure...:)





Hope you can see all this part of the process and you are well on your way to recovery and fill up those temples. Judging from your photos it seems we had pretty similar grafts placements.

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what you're feeling is 100% normal, and you will likely go through many more ups and downs emotionally. But in one year you will just be psyched with your new hair.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Scar very decent. I slapped Bio-Oil twice a day and Vit E oil on the grafts. I can't say if it helps but redness was gone after week and a half, scar is as you see it.


I was wearing a beanie everywhere I went up and until I buzzed ( week 4 ), only person who knew was my mises.


Its a tough one, you can fess up and get the banter which will only last as long as everything looks a bit off. I guess you know your mates best. Its usually not them that will give you a hard time but news travels fast so the wider circle might include some tards who will throw in a comment or two.


What I am certain, all of them will join in on the piss take, but a few after a few drinks will ask you questions and you will see they are not be being inquisitive but investigating.


If you can cover you grafts with the hair behind, cool, otherwise from my own experience, after 4 weeks buzz, toppik and good as golden.

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Guest Nicko3105

Hey It looks great :) I was just wondering if you have coarse hair or fine hair??


Im getting a procedure done in may with Dr feller and i think my hair is quite fine so i just trying to work out how much 2000 grafts can cover with fine hair :)




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