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I got my procedure done with Dr. Hasson on Jan 08 for a total of 3930 grafts. Although we aimed for around 4500 based on my thickness at the back but fell a little short. Dr Hasson said it would be enough to achieve the thickness in the front going back.


The procedure lasted for about 9 hours and was painless except for the needles in the forehead and the long staying still, lying down thingy. The Doc. & the staff were very helpful.


Had a little problem sleeping the night after. Had a nice next morning wash at the clinic, checked by the doc. and on my way to the airport for a 5 hour flight to Toronto. The entire travel was a breeze, no one even asked me to take the cap off.


Today is the 5th day and things are looking good. I still have some swelling on the face specially around the eyes and nose area. No pain after the first night till today but, discomfort in the staple area and tension around and up to the beginning of the receiving area. The top of the head still feels very numb and tight.


I am washing my head every day and applying Vitamin E Oil on the recipient/ donar area. The oil being very thick is a mess to apply. Haven't seen any bleeding or clots since day one.


The only problem is seeping. I am finding it very bothersome and difficult to sleep on my staples and that's what keeps me tried during the day as well. Hopefully this will end when the staples are off after 10-12 days.


Can anyone help with the sleeping tips?


Overall, my experience with H&W exceeded my expectations, The entire staff, specially Joe was very professional and helpful.


Now, let's wait and see the outcome.


I am attaching some before and after photos. Fell free to give your opinion.


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I agree, that graft # coupled w/your characteristics will give you a solid result. Typically I read that H&W get more grafts then they aimed for (not to worry though, as you got a ton) did they chalk this up to laxity issues? Were you doing scalp exercises prior to your surgery?

Sleeping: get some meds.

Grow well.

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Congratualations on your recent hair transplant with Dr. Hasson. I expect almost 4000 grafts will give you a very nice improvement considering you still have a good portion of your natural hair. Are you on Propecia to help you keep the natural hair you have?


Sleeping is a bit of a challenge the first week. You may consider buying one of these neck pillows. Otherwise, sleep in a position you are most comfortable in, but be careful not to rub the grafts.


By the way, you can only post one photo at a time in a "discussion" thread. You may want to create a new photo album or a hair loss weblog to share your photos and chart your progress with us.


Best wishes,



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Thanks guys.

I don't know what happened with the yield. Did scalp excercise way in advance. Dr. Hasson/Joe liked the density/laxity of the scalp. So,no issue there.


But, I am happy with the # of grafts as long as I get the desired results. I have seen patients with high count but not impressive outcome and otherwise. every one responds differently.


For me the outcome matters the most.


Any advise on when is it best to take the staples out. Is it possible to get the area frozen to avoid pain.

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  • Regular Member

hey there bro...good job with H&W. I'm only a little bit ahead of you--I saw Dr. Hasson in early November. I just can't say enough good things about Dr. Hasson and his staff. Whatever the number of grafts and hairs they chose to do, I believe you can have great faith that you will be one happy customer. I am looking foreward to the next few months to see the progress. By the way, 'the doldrums' is a real phenomenon. It's almost comical! Like clockwork, right around the second month you will most likely get very impatient. That's why the HTN is such a great forum. When you feel bummed or down about the slow progress, just log on and check out some of your peeps just ahead of you, and you'll see we all share in this thing together. Happy sprouting my man!!

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capello... tried to post all my pics before and after, but could do it.You can check all my pics on the other 2 forums.Good luck with your surgery coming up and be confident, that you will be in gr8 hands. Good luck and keep us updated and yes one thing keep the scalp excercise going good.


davyj... Thanks my man.Any updates on your progress. Good growing

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Glad you went with H&W. They really do a good job. I am 3 months since my procedure with Dr. Hasson.


I know what you mean by not being able to sleep. What I did was learned how to sleep on my sides - that was not nearly as bothersome as sleeping on the staples in the back of my head. Even after the staples came out, it took me a few days before I was comfortable with any pressure in that area.


I waited till 14th day to have my staples removed as my skin was a little tight after the procedure. Typical case is about 10th day.


Try to enjoy the next 6-12 months as much as you can icon_smile.gif

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