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Whats the verdict?

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Got some feedback, and Im getting figures of 2500 grafts now, which seems alot considering the small area that I require covering.

I simply cannot afford that kind of number of FUE.

This is starting to depress me as it just looks out of my grasp. :(



October 2011 - 1647 FUT - Dr Dorin


January 2014 - 1580 FUT - Dr Dorin

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  • 4 weeks later...
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Just thought I'd update this thread and throw in a few other questions.

Im now ready to book my HT, but Im hearing wildly different views on how many grafts i am going to require. Now, I know that this is decided on the day, but the price difference between the numbers I am being quoted from different clinics are so different its something that I need to get a proper rough idea of, as I cant go in to get this done and then suddenly need a HT of double the size/price.

I am not looking to go for FUE now, after talking to many about this (Spex/Corvettester thanks again for your advice)

I am not showing any thinning on my hair, just my rubbish hairline that needs filling in.

I am very excited about finally getting this booked, but Im 90% there with the direction Im going.

Consultation is difficult as I am UK based.

Edited by JayWalker



October 2011 - 1647 FUT - Dr Dorin


January 2014 - 1580 FUT - Dr Dorin

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Hey Jay, looks like you've got a lot of body in your hair and it's not fine - your results from a top doc should look solid from the research I've done


I'd find a doc closer to where you live and would not travel over here, but that's me. Don't let the doctor respresentatives that post here relentlessly talk you into thinking that location shouldn't matter - logically it does. You want to be close enough for follow ups in case there are complications directly after surgery, or you have issues with your final results so they can examine you in person. I'd recommend searching for a recent post by LondonHT for an example of this since he from your neck of the woods. The guy was obviously a little concerned from his results and there was a comment from the clinic at one point in the thread that they hadn't even had a chance to examine him in person. Um yeah.... I wonder why?


Budget wise, which in your case sounds like that is a factor - domestic travel is generally much cheaper even if you do need to get on a plane for both the procedures and follow ups. I'd travel back the day after the procedure in case facial swelling kicks in from the numbing injections they will need to use at your hairline.


Couple of docs which I believe both are in Europe are Bisagna and Farjo. That's where I'd start if I were you anyway, their results that I've seen posted look great on the various HT websites that are out there. Good luck

Dr Arocha

3626 FU's


H1: 508

H2: 1741

H3: 1377



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Thanks for that, Ahairdown.

Im very pleased so far with my consultations with a few doctors, looks like i will require 1500-1700 grafts.

I really dont mind travelling and its a good excuse for a break in the big apple! (obviously this isnt my driving factor for getting this done!!)

Im almost there booking this now, just need to find out when my lady can get holidays (she's starting a new job) then i'll get a date booked.

Im very excited about it all!



October 2011 - 1647 FUT - Dr Dorin


January 2014 - 1580 FUT - Dr Dorin

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member
I know im talking to myself here,. :)


Don't we all??


You're in good hands with Dr. Dorin. Best of luck.

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