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Hair transplant photo album started!


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I don't know the stats exactly but i am revisiting the surgery today before going back home so i'm sure I will get everything from Dr Feriduni. I know that he said the Scar was quite long but quite thin. It runs from just behind and above each ear all the way around and feels like a pretty neat job!


I'll try and get more of the Grafts breakdown....


Scalp exercises - I sort of did quite intensive bursts of them because I booked the surgery only a week ago, so I was pretty worried that I wouldn't have as good scalp laxity as someone who was doing their exercises weeks in advance.

Turns out that I needn't have been worried one bit, the Doc was more than happy - I think it helped that I was a bit younger too!

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Congratulations on your recent hair transplant procedure with Dr. Feriduni. I've taken the liberty of adding a link to your recently created photo album in your forum signature. That way, every time you post, anyone can easily find it. Of course, as you continue to create new photo albums, you may have to modify your signature if you want to include them. Alternatively, members can always find your albums, blogs, and hair transplant videos by viewing your social profile.


I hope you'll keep updating us with monthly photos showing your progress. You've certainly selected an excellent hair restoration physician.


Best wishes in restoring your hair,



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  • Senior Member

thinland, i look forward to seeing your eventual results :)


i have thickish hair at the front and all around really but i have a natural M shape hairline, this is easily covered up but i really want a buzz cut style plus just above hairline im starting to slightly thin


my qiestion is, do they have to always shave the recipent area off? or can they allow patient to keep their hair length to disuise the op until the hairs come through?

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  • Regular Member

Good question!! This was a biggy for me too! ..... All the info was in the pack that dr Feridiuni had sent me after an online consultation.


Of course it depends on each individual case but IT IS possible to do the procedure around your already existing hair. However, as the info explains, shaving the recipient area allows the Dr to make the incisions around your existing hair follicles and causes much less stress to the hair you already have.

Should you choose to not shave it or go really short, it means the hair has to be combed through several times, the chances of getting as good hair follicle placement is a bit more hit or miss and the trauma that this causes to your already existing hair could cause shock loss!! Eekk!


That kind of sold it for me, because I would rather my hair would grow from scratch rather than lose my hair through shock loss and not knowing when I would see it again.


I'm just hibernating for a few weeks!


Hope this info helps!

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