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What is the verdict on PRP


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  • Senior Member
Ok so i know a number of people on this forum have had prp and dr feller/specs lurks about offering prp, so there should be a good amount of information about now, what is the verdict?


Absolutely nothing, I would take it as a grain of salt and if given an opportunity you can request it.


Numerous doctors still don't use it, and the ones that do, while they do believe in it, from a scientific view, do not have any solid evidence that it is a tried and test solution


Good luck!

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I had it done and it achieved nothing. I actually think it caused shock loss but I'm not totally sure. Also, it is quite a procedure. My head hurt like f*#k the next day and I needed a Vicodin prescription to deal with it & I have a high pain threshold.


I've not heard anything positive about PRP other than it can't harm you unlike a bad HT.

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I admit that some of my PRP patients did not have any visible results after 6-8 months. Although no patients have complained about pain the next day. I have also had some patients that trulely believe the treatment increased the density in certain areas and improved the texture of the hair as well. However, I agree there still is not a lot of concrete evidence and the verdict is still out.

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Some patients really want to try every non invasive option to help there hair situation before going to their last resort of hair transplantation surgery. PRP is one of the non surgical options that some hair restoration physicians offer. I tell all my PRP patients that there is a chance that they may not be able to obtain significant results or notice any real visible changes.

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  • Senior Member

I've been following this PRP business and been taking it in. The question I have is that if this is unproven, and now we have several who are coming foward with no results, do the physicans, or have they, charge for this procedure? It sounds like this is experimental. How much have people paid for this?

Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealth you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will.


Jawaharal Nehru

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  • Senior Member

It seems like the jury is still out on platelet rich plasma (PRP) treatments for hair loss. The treatment has been used in various applications (namely wound healing) for years, but I think its usage in hair restoration is still new, and we may have to wait a while for solid results. Hopefully, some of the scientists and clinicians testing/using this product will begin publishing studies or sharing some concrete evidence regarding the issue. Until then, I highly encourage all patients to thoroughly research hair loss treatments before committing!

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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I agree that more research needs to be done as this may be a promising option, but I have a strange feeling that clinics are charging patients for this procedure that is not completely tested. Am I right?:confused:


I hope patients who are undergoing this are given full disclosure that this is still experimental and not proven, and therefore, since this is cosmetic, people are not shelling out big bucks. :(

Life is like a game of cards. The hand that is dealth you represents determinism; the way you play it is free will.


Jawaharal Nehru

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