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update Folliculitis


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hello every one, quick update!


after 2 long months i have growth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and this is exciting for me as after my first failed HT by DR RIPP OFF ROGERS OF WESTMINSTER MEDICAL UK. this is the first time i have properly seen new hairs coming up!!! im very happy.


i can see lots of little clear thin hairs popping up in and around my old hair lines and hairs! when all the little hairs mature and thicken out i will be very happy so fingers crossed the growth may continue and by the 3months mark even more hairs have sprouted!!!!!!!!!?????????


how ever i did decide to shave my hair down to a no 0 again as even though the scar is noticable im currently abroad for 3 months so at least the new and old hairs hopefully will grow bacl at a more similar rate....... as before i shaved i looked silly lots of hairs all at different lengths and patchy......


on the flip side or bad side.......... after having some concerns with my scar on the right side of my head dr hasson looked at the pics and had told me i have folliculitis in some of the follicles in my scar that he suggest may have occured due to problems with the follicles adjusting and finding a way through after being trapped by the closure of the scar!!!!!!!!!!


he suggest's plucking the troublesome hairs and taking antibiotics and using a antibiotic lotion at the site.............. as im traveling in bangkok and dont have any one with me to pluck the hairs and i cant see them! i contacted DR PATH here in bangkok and he very generously has advised to see me and help with the infected follicles even though i am some one else's patiant!!!!!!!!!!!


Dr path is good guy and a gentleman and a very worthey member of the coalition!!! Dr hasson also expressed happiness in regards to me being able to access profesional help and also at Dr paths generosity!!!!

Edited by j1j9j85
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  • Senior Member

I hope your condition improves and that the doctor takes care of it. It's great there is a doctor willing to help you out locally and that you don't have to travel far for help. By doing what Dr. Path is doing, it clearly shows the doc is very ethical and wants to help. That's amazing and good on him. Hope he gets more and more people in return for the good work he did. People like that deserve it.


Is Folliculitis a serious condition to be wary of after hair transplantation? Does it spread or affect a few hairs? I definitely would want to know how to prevent it. By plucking the grafts would they continue to grow or completely be pulled from the root? I am going to get a transplant later but it's good to know these things prior to it, so that if it comes up then I know how to handle it. Thanks.

Edited by Sean
punctuation error
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  • Senior Member

yes i hope dr path continues to do well also as hes a genuine nice guy!!!


in regards to the infection i think you must have miss read my post the grafts ie recipient site is fine.................... its only a few native hairs around the seems of the scar that are troublesome..... either way its very minor

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