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9-10 month shed


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Hi -

I had pretty good results with propecia and minox, especially in the crown over the first 9 months. At about 9 months I moved from using T-Gel to Nizoral and I believe this was when I started to shed up front like crazy.


Not sure if this is normal, but am of course freaking a bit and disappointed. I have gone back to T-Gel and I think the shedding has slowed. They do seem to be largely the thinner hairs, but as a result I am noticably thinner up front now.


Has anyone gone through anything like this outside of the normal propecia shedding phase early on? I didn't have too much of a shed then. Am I just a late shedder?


Any experience with a Nizoral shed? I've read that it can happen? How long until I potentially get some hair back in that case?


A little freaked,


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I have read some incidents of using Nizoral causing shedding. How often are you using it? I think 2-3 times a week is the general recommendation but I believe Spex (a very knowledgeable guy in this area, his post is somewhere on this forum) has suggested maybe once a week or even a fortnight may be better (I don't recall his exact recommendations but it was substantially less than 3 times a week). Some men seem to get on fine with using it 2-3 times a week, others seem to be more sensitive to it.


The good news is it would seem any shedding is temporary and you'll get it back no problem, but as with most sheds it might take a few months for the hair to go back to normal.


Sounds like you may be a bit sensitive to Nizoral so if you use it maybe best to use it sparingly (maybe swap out the T-Gel for Nizoral once a week/10 days?). Overall though nothing to worry about, just one of those things unfortunately!

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my thoughts on it are this....


using ANY hair shampoo in excess can lead to drying and damaged hairs which will break off and shed in due course....


with nizoral 2% use this too may be the case when used more than 2 x a week. but also another action is at play allso...


nizoral's active ingrediant as we know decreases scalp dht levels and disrupts dht conversion in the scalp itself..... by blocking the pathways to the dht or androgen receptors in the scalp that convert testosterone in to DHT.....


by lowering the dht levels in scalp, as with propecia use when dht levels lower in the body when you first start the medication this also results in a shed which grows back a few months later!!!!


so theoreticaly due to the effect of dht reduction in scalp tissue due to nizoral use this reduction is obviously noted or detected by the hair follicles as it is when finesteride kicks in and i shed is the result. because hair follicles so ive been led to beleive do not have the ability to change the way they grow

i,e thicker healthier faster fuller stronger, whilst in the current growing phase!!!!


so again if nizoral or finesteride use is continued to be used during and post shed when the shed hair follicles start to regrow you should experiance a stronger or thicker hair shaft as a direct result.................... of the follicle being able to produce a better hair in the presence of lowered dht levels!!!!!!!!! and the reduced dht/androgen levels are often followed by sheds due tot he hair follicles reconfiguring kind off???


the only problem is with nizoral...................is differentiating between shedding due to damage from drying out hairs and shedding due to the follicles adjusting to the changing scalp tissue hormone levels which is the good kind.


but as far as i think if any hair med works you should expect a shed even a hair transplant..... hairs have to shed and regrow before they can change as change during a growth of a hair cant happen... any benefits will be seen when the new hair emerges from the healthier follicle #



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