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Timeframe for Propecia Sides? Please help!


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Hey guys...


I'm just about to finish my first three months of propecia (I have 6 left), and everything seemed to be going well without any side effects. I was having normal sexual drive and taking care of business my usual amount each day, with no real change in the amount of anything. Then, I went on a date last week and we were kissing and such at the end and I didn't get an erection. I got that tingly feeling down there, but no result. Granted, we had been drinking quite a bit, so at first I didn't think twice about it. But over the past few days, I've become nervous because then I noticed that I wasn't waking up with an erection every single day or really getting any spontaneously during the day either. I've never paid any attention to when or how many I get during the day, so I have no idea if anything has changed. And, I'm feeling now like my erections aren't lasting as long.


I'm only 33, and single, and the last thing I want right now is to have sexual side effects, especially since I've just started dating someone. Plus, since I'm at the end of my prescription, I don't want to spend the money to refill it for 3 months, if I'm going to go off it a few days in. I know it could be that I'm "psyching myself out" because of one instance where alcohol was also involved, and that wouldn't be surprising because I can be an anxious person, but I'm not sure what to do.


Is there a time frame for the onset of side effects? I'm mostly sure this is something new, like within the past week, but I also don't know if it's just because I'm obsessing on it and making it worse. I don't have a primary care doctor at the moment, and it's kind of embarrassing to go to someone new for this. I also kind of feel awkward asking my HT doctor, but I guess I could if that's the best route.


Any ideas?



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hi teach77,


some people do report ED and similar problems months or even years after taking the drug but, as your post rightly suggests, that's not necessarily to say it's the propecia that is causing the symptoms.


the truth is if you take propecia for a few months or even a couple of years and then experience ED or ED-like symptoms there is every bit (if not more) change those symptoms are attributable to something else; stress, anxiety, depression, other medication, age, physical fitness, other diseases and much, much more. i think a lot of people know in the back of their heads propecia is capable of causing sexual dysfunction (although officially these side effects are rare) so the moment they 'underperform' or maybe don't feel aroused or can't get physically aroused they assume it must be propecia. that can lead to a pattern of destructive thoughts and concerns which in turn can create stress, anxiety, depression, performance nerves - all far, far more common reasons for ED than propecia!


although unfortunately no one can say for certain whether propecia caused your problem, or had any part in it, the simple fact of the matter is it's more likely] to be something else. the alcohol and your fears about performance are both much more likely candidates for the problem you encountered.


of course, the difficult thing now is to be able to overcome your concerns about propecia and ED, which we all know is hard to do because once the seed of concern is in your head it's difficult to stop it taking root! my advice (which is not professionally informed and is just my personal opinion) is to continue with the propecia if you're comfortable and try (as hard as i know it will be) to relax, loosen up and not think so much about your sexual performance. from your post it's clear you're starting to question every thing you notice about yourself (and we've all been there!) and the moment you start worrying about whether your erections are weaker or arousal less enjoyable that's sure to put a dampener on things and bring about all the symptoms you worry about in the first place!


if it's really bothering you see a doctor and explain the situation. they can do blood tests and other tests to try and find out what, if anything, might be causing your symptoms and may be able to shed some light on if propecia is involved. your age could also be a factor - early-thirties is a prime age to start experiencing a slow down in sexual drive which maybe does produce a few symptoms. where as most men probably wouldn't notice or not get worried, you naturally have that lingering thought that it could all be propecia related.


so, try to relax, enjoy your relationship and remember that propecia has been tested and very much affirmed as a safe drug with a low occurence of side effects. if you really feel propecia is a problem then maybe take a break from the drug, see a doctor and analyse the situation more deeply. ultimately though, statistically any erectile problems are much more likely to be stress, age or health dependent than propecia related, especially if the first three months seemed to go well.


hope you're feeling back to normal soon!

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  • Regular Member

Thanks so much for the detailed reply. I am hoping (and honestly thinking) that's it's likely in my head....so I'm trying not to pay attention to anything and just go with the flow. Hopefully that will "fix" any issues I'm having. I really appreciate you taking the time to write all that...

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I think I psyced myself out....for about 2 weeks....but i am good now...

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I would sure give it some more time, but I hope you realize that now you might let your head get the best of you. You really need to have a good sexual session to restore your confidence. This happened to me one time when I was in my 20's and it really screwed me up. I was sure that there was something wrong with me, and it was all in my head. All it took was one good time and my confidence returned and that was the end of that. Best luck!

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One thing to try might be to start exercising at least until you can get back in the swing of things. This can work on a number of levels.


Studies have shown that men who jog or get aerobic workouts have less incidents of ED, for whatever reason, increased blood flow, more energy, more confidence, whatever.


Might be worth a try.


I had some sides early on, but they did pass.

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