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Having Strip procedure after FUE procedure

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Following up on post by propNE

" 2000 grafts via fue???? and response by Dr.Feller.


Dr Feller,

re: your comment..."One more thing, getting FUE surgery now does NOT preclude a strip in the future if it is needed or visa versa."


Would the large donor surface area used in FUE compromise the graft yield if strip was to be used later on?


Would it be more prudent & ideal to have strip procedure(s) before FUE if a patient intends to use both methods?

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  • Regular Member

Following up on post by propNE

" 2000 grafts via fue???? and response by Dr.Feller.


Dr Feller,

re: your comment..."One more thing, getting FUE surgery now does NOT preclude a strip in the future if it is needed or visa versa."


Would the large donor surface area used in FUE compromise the graft yield if strip was to be used later on?


Would it be more prudent & ideal to have strip procedure(s) before FUE if a patient intends to use both methods?

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If you are going for anything over 1-2K grafts (2K may take two days--but be careful who you go to for larger FUE sessions as very few are proficient at it) I would do a large strip session first, enjoy those results as long as you can and if you want refinement via FUE that would probably be your best route.


What norwood level you are is also a deciding facter. A NW2 or lower would probably want FUE, especially if loss is stabilized and thus you won't have the long scar (FUE is not scarless!). A more aggressive NW3 and higher would probably want to go strip to maximize coverage and density.


Couple of things to think about...

My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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Yes, it does make much more sense to have strip, max out your laxity, then use FUE.


The main (still debatable since FUE has scars as well) advantage of FUE over strip is the lack of scar. Why would one have FUE and then get strip which will create a scar afterward.


I am not a doctor. The opinions and comments are of my own.


HT with Dr. Cooley on Nov 20, 2008

2097 grafts, 3957 hairs

Proscar, 1.25 mg daily, skip the 5th day, started Nov 2007


My Hair Loss Blog - Hair Transplant with Dr. Cooley

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I am hoping that within the next 5 to 10 years the technology advances to the point where strip harvesting is obsolete and great yielding (and cheaper) FUE is the norm, or hair cloning is around. Avoiding a strip scar would be awesome because I would still have the option of cutting my hair really short if I wanted. So, if you're in my shoes and you still have a lot of hair (NW 3V at age 26) and a virgin scalp, it might make sense to go smaller FUE sessions now and hope for better technology in the future. This is all assuming that getting FUE first won't lessen the yield of strip if it becomes necessary of course.

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  • Senior Member
I am hoping that within the next 5 to 10 years the technology advances to the point where strip harvesting is obsolete and great yielding (and cheaper) FUE is the norm, or hair cloning is around


Im going to hope for the latter. In 10 years Im actually hoping they have a "miracle pill" or a cure for MPB although I'm not going to hold my breath.

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