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How to treat my Hairloss

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This is my first post in this Forum. Personally I have found this forum very helpful, friendly and informative. I have lost all my hair in the crown area and Iam quite desperate to get it back. I contacted Dr.Madhu from Hyderabad to get my crown transplanted, and he suggested 5000 grafts to get a decent density.


But the dilemma is that I have also lost hair on the front too (Please see profile pictures) and I don't want to deplete my donor by transplanting all the hair back in the crown. I have been in propecia/Minox for last 2 months and hoping it may help me regrow some hair on the back.

Iam not sure about the results so far and decided to wait for another 3 months atleast to see

any visible growth.


I feel that my self esteem is little bit on the lower side now and wanted to do something quickly to get some hair (both on the frontal and back) and confidence back. Iam looking forward to the suggestions. Have a great day.

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I saw your photos.


The best thing you can do right now is wait until at least 1 year to see if the finasteride 1) stops any further loss 2) possibly regrows some hair


You need to wait because you have aggressive MPB and if you are going to head to a NW stage 7 then you should just shave your head and forget about HTs.


I am glad you had the courage to admit that you were in denial for 7 years. This is important, because many young men on this forum are precisely where you were -- in denial.


The main reason they can nonchalantly dismiss finasteride is because they have not yet experienced the level of loss that you have. Now that you see how far it has gone you would probably like to go back in time and get on the medication sooner, but you cannot. My biggest single regret is that I waited until 30 to get on finasteride; but at least I have an excuse, because in the 1990s it was expensive and almost impossible to get.


Good luck and remember to take 1.25 mg of finasteride daily. It truly is your only hope to be a candidate for a HT!

Edited by EpilepticSceptic
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This is my first post in this Forum. Personally I have found this forum very helpful, friendly and informative. I have lost all my hair in the crown area and Iam quite desperate to get it back. I contacted Dr.Madhu from Hyderabad to get my crown transplanted, and he suggested 5000 grafts to get a decent density.


But the dilemma is that I have also lost hair on the front too (Please see profile pictures) and I don't want to deplete my donor by transplanting all the hair back in the crown. I have been in propecia/Minox for last 2 months and hoping it may help me regrow some hair on the back.

Iam not sure about the results so far and decided to wait for another 3 months atleast to see

any visible growth.


I feel that my self esteem is little bit on the lower side now and wanted to do something quickly to get some hair (both on the frontal and back) and confidence back. Iam looking forward to the suggestions. Have a great day.



Am akhil from india wanted to know about hair restoration procedure and results... kindly let me know your contact number and email id....


looking forward for your reply.



ID: akhil.link@gmail.com

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