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Everything posted by rajasec

  1. This is my first post in this Forum. Personally I have found this forum very helpful, friendly and informative. I have lost all my hair in the crown area and Iam quite desperate to get it back. I contacted Dr.Madhu from Hyderabad to get my crown transplanted, and he suggested 5000 grafts to get a decent density. But the dilemma is that I have also lost hair on the front too (Please see profile pictures) and I don't want to deplete my donor by transplanting all the hair back in the crown. I have been in propecia/Minox for last 2 months and hoping it may help me regrow some hair on the back. Iam not sure about the results so far and decided to wait for another 3 months atleast to see any visible growth. I feel that my self esteem is little bit on the lower side now and wanted to do something quickly to get some hair (both on the frontal and back) and confidence back. Iam looking forward to the suggestions. Have a great day.
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