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1609 Procedure by Dr. Rose @ Shapiro Medical


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Here are some pictures of my procedure at the Shapiro Medical Group performed by Dr. Paul Rose. I must say that I have had dentist fillings with more discomfort than this procedure. Everything was completely great! I cannot explain in words how satisfied I am with the procedure thus far. Dr. Rose was the funniest, most entertaining guy and made the procedure even that more comfortable. In addition, the staff at Shapiro Medical are top notch and a sweet bunch of ladies. Well enough of this talk crap, I'm sure you're more interested in the pictures... Here's a pre-op photo of the top.


[This message was edited by justin_sievers on February 20, 2004 at 02:43 PM.]


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Here are some pictures of my procedure at the Shapiro Medical Group performed by Dr. Paul Rose. I must say that I have had dentist fillings with more discomfort than this procedure. Everything was completely great! I cannot explain in words how satisfied I am with the procedure thus far. Dr. Rose was the funniest, most entertaining guy and made the procedure even that more comfortable. In addition, the staff at Shapiro Medical are top notch and a sweet bunch of ladies. Well enough of this talk crap, I'm sure you're more interested in the pictures... Here's a pre-op photo of the top.


[This message was edited by justin_sievers on February 20, 2004 at 02:43 PM.]

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Top post-op picture up close. As you can tell it doesn't look very red. I have been very religious about applying the GraftCyte every half hour and the redness has all but faded already and I am only one day post op! Dr. Shapiro was amazed at how fast I have recovered in one day during my shampoo this morning and said that my results will be great. I had absolutely no bleeding last night and the preocedure was completely painless. I really have to say it wa a very positive experience!


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Well this is the last photo that I'm going to post at this time. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me through this forum. For some reason my e-mail is down, so I'll be jumping in here from time to time. This final picture is of the donor site and the sutures. I know this seems to be the area of interest for most people. Like I said before, feel free to ask any questions. I really want to give back to those who may have questions. I was really helped on this forum and feel it's my turn to give back.


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Im sure you will have great results, maybe i would prefer a little more agressive but yours will look awesome as well. So where are the pics of the great bunch of ladies? icon_biggrin.gif


Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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I chose Rose because he is conservative. I don't want to have a thick, densed packed front and no donor hair remaining to fill behind. I will be going for another procedure in probably a year or two to fill in the temples, but I want to see how this turns out first. I knew you would be the one to jump in and say how "conservative" I was. It's no big deal, I just want to play it safer than sorry since I'm only 26 years old. I think you had a better hair count base than I did to begin with, so you may be able to go more agressive than I did. Hopefully this works out.

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I knew you would be the one to jump in and say how "conservative" I was.



I didnt know i was well known on this forum icon_wink.gif Im sure your HT is going to look great though, you chose one of the best doctors in the world and i was really looking forward seeing your pics since you are a young guy as well and since we had a few private messages in the past. Did the hair you lost on avodart grow back after you stopped it? because you still had a lot of hair. I really am not anti-conservative and i really like your HT, i really do. I just dont believe in depleting donor anymore ( to all the rest, plaese dont reply to this comment here, this is Justin's pride and joy-thread ) guys like yourself with a complete donorarea. You still have so many grafts in your donorarea and i have faith that cloning wont be that far away. Maybe i'm just a foolish risktaker... i guess only time will tell. I cant wait to see your 6 month pics and im sure you cant as well icon_smile.gif

All this said, you are going to look great amigo!!! And happy healing and growing


Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



Pictures of my hairloss can be found here:



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I guess you do remember me!!! I got off the Avodart about 2 months ago and my hair reall rebounded quickly. It thickened up rather quickly and I could really tell the difference when I was looking at the pictures Matt at Shapiro Medical had taken during the initial consultation back in November. Dr. Shapiro and I had a discussion about Avodart and I think he'll be sending out a memo to most of his clients and possible clients that Avodart is probably not the drug for hair loss that it was once thought to be. I guess to answer your question, my hair has greatly improved since I ditched the Avodart. I feel that drug is the DEVIL whenit comes to hair loss! It damaged it more than it helped.

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I am in the situation you were in several months ago---researching and considering. Where there any defining factors that made you go for it? I'm on the fence right now and will probably go for it, but am weary of the risks of it being bad, scar area, people noticing, strong possibility of second HT (I'm 24). How did you work through these factors and reach a decision? Thanks


Also any updated pics would be awesome. I'd love to know what it looks like at one week, two weeks, etc. I may be in your shoes soon!

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I know exactly what you are going through. I was worried about the same exact things: second procedure, running out of donor hair, and the nasty scar. I can tell you that Dr. Rose is probably one of the most conservative surgeons out there. He had my hairline drawn on me and I was a little dissatisfied about it being so narrow, but once he explained to me that we have no idea how far my hairloss may progress, it made sense. He placed the 1609 grafts from the front area all the way back to the back to fade the look in case I lost future hair which is sure to happen. With the Shapiro group, or any reputable surgeons on this forum for that matter, you won't be lead in the wrong direction. Being through the procedure on my own, I'd say that the experience is actually better than most tell you. It is exactly like being in a dentist office all afternoon, but the assistants are way more accomodating and want to make you comfortable at all times and talk to you as their best friend. My first suggestion to you is to get in contact with Matt Zupan and talk with him. He is very educated and doesn't want to push you into something you're not ready for. He doesn't have to, he's very honest and their reputation has booked them up over three months in case you want to get in. I really don't know what else to say other than it was a very positive experience and that I would do it all over again. Dr. Rose has e-mailed me several times wondering how things were going, so I know he really cares. That means alot to me. I'll try to get you some 1 week photos next weekend, although I think they'll be pretty much the same other than the new hairs being shedded.

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To be totally honest with you, only one friend of mine has said anything. She noticed the stitches and asked what in the hell happened to me. Had she not seen them from the wind blowing my hair up in the back, she would have never noticed. All of my friends have never made any comments or even stared at my head as you may think they would. I wore my hair really long lately to cover the scabs. I was very paranoid about it at first too, so I was watching them very closely to see if they noticed anything peculiar. Nobody has said a thing, but I think that's because I was prepared for it. If I would have had shave the top, I would have been in a world of embarassment as far as everyone asking me questions. Everything has been great!!! All of the scabs and redness are gone and the sutures are coming out Monday.



Thanks for the compliments, I'll post some pics of the suture line after I have them removed Monday. I want to keep this thread as updated as possible to let everyone know how my experience was from beginning to end.


Question for everyone who may help...

How long did it take for the transplanted hairs to shed? I think alot of them have already shed by looking at myself in the mirror compared to my before pictures. Is it possible they are shedding already at 1 week?

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First, Congrats! Your HT looks good. I am sure it will be quite a change for you.


Second, some of the grafts may have departed. I think some of mine went with the scabs, but it is so hard to tell... and you have hair covering much of it which I am sure adds to the issue. I am buzzed pretty close, but still think some of my soldiers have marched on.


Glad to hear no one has noticed,


Mr. T


Mr. T's web page

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Thanks for being such a sport and helping us out. Everything on you looks great as far as I can tell. If you don't mind me asking, how many grafts did you have put in, and how much did you pay. Just doing a little comparison shopping.


Mr. T-

When you say "grafts fell out", did you mean "hairs" fell out, but then regrew, or did the graft actually fall out and not grow back?


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Sorry. I should have said hairs, not grafts. To my knowledge, I have never lost a graft based on the description I've read of bleeding, etc., that accompanies losing a graft. These bablies seem to be pretty well planted now as all the scabs are gone and the redness has REALLY diminished. I am psyched!


Mr. T


Mr. T's web page

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I originally went in for a 1500 graft procedure, but they harvested 1609 grafts. That way I got 109 for free! Dr. Rose thought I would be getting around 1800 with my density, but it ended up being less. The price of my procedure was an even $6000 for the work and an additional $165 for taxes and meds. It was well worth the trip! I just wish I wouldn't shed these transplanted hairs. They are growing so fast, I hate to see them go icon_frown.gif.

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Picture of sutures removed at 10 days close. I can't believe how invisible this scar is going to look!


------------------------------Transplant performed 02/18/2004 by Dr. Paul Rose of Shapiro Medical Group.


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Here's another picture from a distance.


------------------------------Transplant performed 02/18/2004 by Dr. Paul Rose of Shapiro Medical Group.


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