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Cooling off Rogaine?


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Hey everyone,


I was wondering if there was any way to stop Rogaine foam from quickly dissolving due to heat. My partner and I live in a converted attic with no air conditioning. It's always ten+ degrees hotter in our house than in the lower levels. I've tried storing the bottles in different places and even next to fans but many times (especially if it is above 90 degrees outside) much of the foam instantly dissolves in the cap as soon as I squirt it out. Does anyone have any tips on how to prevent this sort of thing from happening? Thanks in advance.

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Living in Arizona, my Rogaine foam was melting too quickly also. The first thing I tried was placing the bottle in the refrigerator for about two minutes before applying it. This helped but I wasn't sure if the low temps were affecting the medication.


Ultimately, I began to dispense it directly on top of my head. It is a little harder to measure the dosage that way but it seemed to work well for me.


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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I sometimes will hold the hand I'm going to apply Rogain with under a running cold water tap for 20/30 seconds before applying. Alternatively I suppose you could keep the can of Rogain under the sink or in a bowl of cold tap water and possibly even place a cold flannel, soaked under a tap of running cold water on your head (depending on amount of hair), for 30 secs or so, that way everything has been cooled down. Hope that helps, all the best

Edited by ukbloke
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When I was using it, I would make a cup of ice water, get the can cold, then get my fingers cold. Works great!

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Damn, with all the stuff you put in your hair are you like a negative NW1? :D

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