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3900 Graft Procedure - 3 week post Op. Dr. Rahal.


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Hey everyone,


I'm 3 weeks post op. Things seem to be coming along. Up until the other day I was using the spray bottle technique to wash my head but I realized the scabs were not coming off that way. My head looked like a chia pet. I've been slightly dripping water and shampoo on my recipient area and slightly messaging the scabs away. Many of them had hairs attached but I was told this was normal. Now the scabs are mostly gone.


Sutures were removed a week ago and the scar is barely visible at this point. Doesn't seem to be any shock loss. Just started on Minox again per the clinics instructions. Not crazy about doing this but it was advised.


Ooh. I'm now shedding tiny hairs in the recipient area. Lots of them. Is this because of the minox or is this normal?

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Are you sure the hairs you're shedding aren't the transplanted ones? That's to be expected.


Minoxidil can cause an initial shed, so it's possible that you might be experiencing that. It could also be shock loss in the recipient area.


As you can see, it can be any number of things. I would contact Dr. Rahal if you're really that worried about it.

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Relax bro! I'm coming up on 5 weeks post-op and the shedding of hairs in the recipient area is perfectly normal. In my case they all fell out in 1 day (15 days post-op) cause I applied 28,000 IU vitamin e oil, and it was like having a layer of crazy glue on my scalp. I couldn't even get the stuff off for several days, and the hairs all gave up the ghost cause they got stuck in it. It seems some of my former frontal forelock hairs gave up the ghost as well, so it was like going bald in 1 day (no joke) !! I am now the most bald I have ever been in my life; it's not very pleasent and I'm living under the hat.


The good news is that the HT hair was growing from day one and was a good bit longer before it fell out; a number of the single graft hairs in the very front have also survived the shed and are getting very long and sticking straight up, so I guess that's a good sign.


Also, dark stubble is already coming in and getting longer by the day where there was nothing but bald skin before. Puss pimples are already starting to form as well.


I did have shockloss around my scar on the sides, mostly all below the line -- but not too bad compared to some blogs I have seen. I'm taking MSM now to hopefully speed up that growth around the scar.


If you still have scabs get yourself some LOWER concentration vitamin e oil and apply it all over the recipient area. They should be gone after a few days.


Hang in there bro, it's a waiting game for both of us for some time to come ! :D

Edited by EpilepticSceptic
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It doesn't look like my input is necessary here since you've already got great advice. But just in case you need more reassurance, you're right on track. It's all perfectly normal.


I know this is easier said than done but try not to stare at it too much. You'll be a hairy man in no time.


Best of luck!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


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