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Finally decided to go for it, pre- and post- advice pls

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  • Regular Member

Hi all


I have been in this forum for almost two years and i have learned a lot of it. After reading many reviews and comments from our valuable members, i have decided to go for the surgery with Transmed clinic in Turkey in July.


For all people who had there surgeries before, are there any special advices you like to give? is there any pre-preparation I need to do in the time being, I mean shall I start taking any medications or vitamins to help stabilize the implanted hair.


also, How long do I need to stay in Turkey, as I am from UK, so I can make sure everything is fine and I am ready to go back home?


Any further advice is highly appreciated...


beast wishes....

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Congratulations on your upcoming procedure with Transmed. Which physician is performing your procedure?


It's really up to you how long you stay in Turkey. When I had my third and fourth procedures in Vancouver, I flew home the day after the procedure after the postoperative wash at the clinc. However, you could always choose to stay longer if you want to tour the country.


I hope you'll share your experience and photos with us afterwards.


All the best in restoring your hair,


Bill Seemiller

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member

I can tell you what I tried this time around to prepare for my HT. Ive heard of some cases where people's hair kept growing after it was transplanted and didnt shed, but rather kept on growing. These cases were far and few. I really wanted to give it my awe into being one of those rare cases.


Some history about me....Ive done cardio exercising 3-4x a week for the past couple of years so I knew my circulation was good. I have been on Rogaine for 15+ years. Once I noticed that I was starting to thin some on my hairline, I started Propecia, which I was on 6 weeks prior to my HT. (As a side note, I did have a HT in 1996, but the work wasnt done so well). I have also been drinking freshly squeezed orange juice 4-5x a week probably 6 months or so before my HT. I have also been taking a HAIR AND NAILS vitamin supplement, which is a Rite Aid brand, for probably a year. These supplements really made my fingernails strong and my hair grow faster.


To prepare for my HT, I brought fresh fruit and vegatables into my diet 2 weeks or so before surgery. This included broccoli, pineapple, strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and apples. I also started drinking ALOT of bottled water a week before surgery.

I am now 3.5 weeks out of my HT. I still continue on the fresh fruit and veggies, as well as the vitamins, Propecia, and Rogaine. Sadly, I have lost about 2/3 of the transplanted hair, but the stuff that is there is growing. Hopefully it will stay. I also noticed at the 3 week post-op mark that I have alot of new thick stubbles coming in already, which is a good sign. I was anticipating that to happen at the 3-5 month mark.

Being pale skinned, I was realistic into thinking that my skin would stay pink for a couple of months. It's almost back to it's normal color, which I am guessing is from the fresh foods, mainly broccoli and freshly squeezed orange juice.

I did stop using Rogaine a week before surgery and started it up about a week after surgery. All of my white scabs were gone by day 5. I dont know if this is helpful i anyway, but I am healing up ALOT faster than I anticipated and am happy that some of the hair has seemed to stay and grow, and new hairs are on their way in.


I do think the only thing I wouldve liked to have tried was L-Arginine. Ive been on it in the past and it's really good for putting Nitric Oxide into your blood and keep the circulation better. Maybe I'll try that next time around if/when I need some touch up work.

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