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3 Months 7 Day update

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Hi Guys

I posted a 3 month update, but it seems like the last week it started growing much more so. So I decided to document it and post it on my hair blog.

Let me know your thoughts. I hope that it eventually blends well with my much thicker hair behind it. All the growth you see originally was bare skin before the surgery, so Im still getting used to having this hairline, I really enjoy it. Even if its not fully thickened yet.


Kind Regards



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Yes Megatron,

Your results are very similar to mine.

It does appear your shaping up nicely as well. Good thing you can hide and blend it in with your other hair while its growing.

Since the surgery, I have been wearing a bandana just go cover it up while I am working. However Its been pretty easy to hide otherwise.

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  • Senior Member

hi pathspatient!!! its been some time huh! haha hows everything? i actually had my surgery delayed due to the demonstration so i am scheduled end of june for the procedure


nice growth there! everything so far so gd? hows the donor area? healing up well?

ur confidence will spark mine too!

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

wow, what a difference between 3 months and 3.5! congrats man, it looks like it's really coming in nicely. I'll post my 4m update this weekend and you'll see that our results look like very similar so far. I feel like I'm at the horse races routing on new hairs to keep on popping up. we've both got a ways to go before our HT can be called a "success", but I think it's definitely where one could have hoped at this early stage.


best of continued luck!

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Wow! You are a hair growing machine my friend! Just imagine what it'll look like three months from now.


Thanks for contributing to this community by keeping your patient website up to date. I look forward to following your results over the next several months.


All the best,

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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pathspatient! yes u r looking good my friend


i am flying on monday and surgery is on tuesday. nervous but excited!


anyway how many days did u stay at bangkok and did u encounter any embarrassing moments at the airport?

View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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You will have a lovely experience!


Wear your headband after surgery as Dr. Path will recommend to reduce swelling and prevent it from going lower than eyebrows. Will only last about 7-10 days as it did in my case.


I stayed for about 12 nights.

Luckily nothing really embarrassing I would say. I wore a hat anyways to protect my head during day. At night I used existing hair and wore headband, it just looked like a style or something.No one would notice I dont think..


I was just playing with my new hair. Really excited everytime I run my fingers through it!!

Good luck sir!

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hey dude, i am quite troubled abt something. i ve heard quite a few posts mentioning how native hair will somehow be damaged even under the best HT surgerons hands... but its like u gain some u lose some. prob those native hair which do not grow back are destined to fall off in a few yrs anyway but hey a few yrs are still good. its nvr a gd thing to shorten any hair's life span.


your hair loss is somewhat similar to mine... so i just wan to check with u, did Dr Pat implant between the native hairs? if so, were u aggressive? or just sparingly..


u encountered any shock loss?



View my hair loss website. Surgery done by Doc Pathomvanich from Bangkok http://www.hairtransplantnetwork.com/blog/home-page.asp?WebID=1730

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Regular Member


Dont be nervous.

The doctor takes this into account when he is creating your hairline.

You have to remember that any skilled surgeon would most probably be able to identify the hair that is on its way out, and work around it or within it to make it dense and natural looking.

Nonetheless, I remember having same concerns, however not so much anymore.


No, since I had receded temples, it was bare skin he had transplanted into. So, No, he hadnt implanted into any surrounding hair, only bare head. So whatever growth you see in my pictures is all transplant hair, not previous hair.


I probably encountered shock loss but I dont really know for sure. I think after looking at some pictures that some areas seem a tad thinner than others, so I assume I had. I just cannot verify this.


I will be posting some recent pictures very soon. Its improving.


Kindest Regards

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