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HT candidate

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Hello guys

I'm 26 years old and Considering doing hair transplants,

I stopped taking Propecia because it made me side effects After I spoke with Dr. keser and he told me I should not do transplant if I'm not taking any medication, but I just can not take it.

I'm in like a8tyf Situation Dr. keser suggested that I transplanted in 2000 graft to front and When i Come to clinic he see what can be done in the middle

.Because I'm going with short hair and wants it even after the transplant.

So my goal is to cover the sparse in these areas.

What do you think?




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You have a lot of hair around the thinning areas. A hair transplant at this stage would be very risky, as there is no way to make sure that the native hair does not fall out. Wait a couple of years and if your hair loss has stabilized then, go for the HT.


My pattern is almost identical to yours, I have less hair and my crown and temples have thinned out. There are some hair styles out there that you can use and benefit from greatly. I used to do a "high and tight" cut, it was an attempt layer my baldness and make the thin and thick areas look even. I can't use that cut anymore because of my crown but you can try it. Here is the link for how it looks: http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&source=hp&q=high+and+tight&aq=f&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=6a5a05a31a92c896


Now I just let my hair grow out and keep it short like Jason Statham's: http://www.google.ca/#hl=en&q=jason+statham&aq=0&aqi=g10&aql=&oq=jason+sta&gs_rfai=&fp=6a5a05a31a92c896


When I do need a cut, what I do it first buzz my entire head with a machine and then shave the sides and back off - this gives a good layered effect to my head and minimizes the baldness by a high degree.


Try different cuts as an HT just isn't right for you at this stage - with the right cut and the right grooming, you shouldn't have to worry about an HT for a long time.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Since hair transplant surgery does nothing to stop the progression of pattern baldness, I understand why Dr. Keser provided warnings against hair transplantation without medical intervention.


While Propecia is the most effective and only antiandrogen (DHT blocker) proven to stop hair loss, you may want to consider alternative treatments to help slow down your hair loss. You may want to try topical ketoconazole based treatments such as Extina foam (prescription only) and Nizoral or Revita shampoos. You could also try Crinagen or Revivogen, a topical solution conjectured to reduce the amount of DHT in the scalp.


Quite honestly, none of the above are as effective as Propecia. But it may be worth a try. Also, you may want to use Rogaine (minoxidil), the only proven hair growth stimulant.


Some hair restoration physicians will be willing to work with you even if you're not on medical treatments. But, you'll need to be fully aware of the risks ahead of time and understand that you'll never have enough donor hair to provide you with a full head of hair. And how much you can acheive will lessen with future hair loss.


Best wishes in restoring your hair,


Bill Seemiller

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