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  • Senior Member

Think I have one of these in my recipient area,left temple, feels like a small bump maybe 3mm across at the most. Its a blind spot at the moment so I wont be popping it. Just want to ask the veteran HT guys if this is ok and that its not gonna hurt my grafts. I'm 22 days post op, so i assume its not an ingrowing hair, as they wont be growing until 3 months.



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  • Senior Member

I suffered recurring pimples in the receipt from around month 1 to 6. It was only one or two at a time and they were fairly short lived. To ease them you could try applying a warm face cloth to the area when they appear; Distilled witch hazel may also reduce their occurrence and help with any redness.

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  • Senior Member

look at my week 7 pics if you want to see pimples! :)


they started a few weeks after my HT and got really bad around week 6/7. I've been on anti-acne pills since which have helped it a lot, but I still do have a lot of small little pimples all over the recipient area.


all that said, I don't believe it's going to affect my final outcome as I've seen growth in the areas where the acne was previously.

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  • Senior Member

cheers m8, feel a bit better about it now. Had one in my right temple today, barely touched it and it popped. I'm not prone to spots though, and I'm only at 24 days post op so didnt think that I would get them at least until 3-4 months post op, as I shouldnt be having growth now.

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  • Senior Member
Yeah I've already seen your pics, bad spots, what are they like now?


it's much less inflammed now than it was, but there still are a few especially along the left side. that said, I'm pretty happy with the growth I'm witnessing. I too began experiencing pimples very early on and while the infection I got was nasty (thank you Dr. SImmons for helping me get rid of that) the early, baby, thin hairs I saw emerge from the acne has continued to thicken and lengthen. don't get me wrong, I've got a loooooong way to go before I can call my HT a success. but, at 2.5months I think I'm where I was hoping I'd be. I'll post pics next week at the 3month mark.

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