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g255 pictures


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Originally posted by g255:

Some pics


New to the forum. Just wanted to get some opinions on my situation. These are NOT after photos, these are before photos.


I have always had a high forehead, as long as I can remember, but in the last couple years, my hair has been falling out in the front, maninly on the front sides.


I don't think I really have "pattern baldness" per se, but the loss really bothers me and I find myself constantly trying to cover up the bare areas on the sides, and am very self conscious about it.


Some of you may think I'm nuts for being here, but I really would like to get these two areas worked on.


Obviously I would only need a minor procedure in the front because I have very thick hair everywhere else.


How many grafts do you guys think I need, and what category would you put me in as far as baldness? How much would my HT cost?


By the way, I am thinking of going to DeYarman, because I live in So. Cal.


Thanks alot for all your help.

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Thanks for the comment. I realize the situation is relatively minor, but I still would really love to have some front work, so I could comb my hair back without having to spend time trying to cover up the sides.


BTW, I think it's a little worse than the pics portray. When hair is wet it is much more apparent.


Would anybody even agree to work on me?


I am 37.

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Welcome to the Best HT forum on the web!

You are here because you are for some reason not happy with your hair . Most people are going to say you look fine, in fact what you do have is as dense as a forest!

But it amazes me that someone like myself a 6a norwood with MPB who really needs a HT is reluctant to do so, well...just because it isn't natural & your scalp will never be the same!

Not to mention the difficult recovery period & cost.

But someone like you g255 that has a fine head of hair at this point is willing to put themselves through a HT that will result in permanant scarring, long term numbness of the scalp & an unatural appearance in some cases.

That being said, maybe go to a reputable Doctor from the Coalition of Doctors listed on this forum & get thier opinion.

Otherwise hang out on this forum for a while & find out what a HT is all about. It is not a procedure to be taken lightly.

So good luck, and research this forum!

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Thanks again, I do appreciate the comments. Of course, I am in the beginning stages of researching this and I'm not in any rush to go out and get a HT.


I think what I am going to do is go to DeYaraman and see what he thinks and if he thinks I could benefit from some hairline work.


I'm guessing 1000 grafts or less in one session would accomplish what I want. From what I understand, this guy is one of the best in my area. Who knows he may just send me home with some Rogaine, lol.


I added some wet pics, the last 5 pics show the deal a little better.


I honestly feel for you guys, because if I feel this bad about my hair line, I can imagine what some of you are going through who are worse off than me.


A forest? Yeah, I guess I do have a forest in the back, which is great, just wish the front was the same, hehe.

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Hello g255,


As others have said, I think you've got a pretty good head of hair, judging from the photos. Of course, it's all relative...if your own situation bothers you, I would only encourage you to do something about it.


I also had quite a receding hairline at age 41, but didn't do anything about it until this year (I'm going to be 47 soon). I spent a couple years reading/researching/reflecting before I took the plunge.


I wanted to share with you how my own perspective changed with regard to my own receding hairline (in the temple area). Like you, it bothered me to have the receding hairline during my late 30's/early 40's. In my case, I also had a thinning crown which bothered me even more. But, I found that later on (mid 40's) I started to not only come to terms with my receding hairline, but I actually started to think it looked a little distinguished. Believe me when I say that I would not have felt that way in my early 40's.


For my recent HT, I had my crown filled in, and my receding hairline "slightly" re-inforced. Honestly, I could have afforded to "fill it all in" if I wanted to, but I decided to maintain a look that was somewhat "age appropriate" and comfortable for me.


If you want to fill in your temple areas, you will easily be able to find a well qualified physician that will be able to give you EXCELLENT results. Do your research...especially on this website.


I guess I'm just trying to caution you to consider the future. Of course, any decent HT physician will discuss this with you.


Best of Luck to you and let us know what you decide.


2967 Total Grafts w/ Dr. Cooley on 1/3/07 [1st HT]

Hair Count = 5,427

My Hair Loss Weblog

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Wow, I'm so pleased with all your comments and help.


To the last poster, I understand what you mean about coming to terms with a receeding hairline and age appropriateness, etc.


The thing with me is that I'm 37, but other than my receeding hairline I look extremely young for my age. I get accused of being in my mid 20's as it is, and if I had this work done I might look even younger than that.


I just don't think I'm anywhere close to that "distinguished" look yet, so I figure I might as well go back in time rather than forward!


Again, thanks for the comments. I'm totally blown away by this forum, I never expected to get comments right away and I'm very pleased about it and encouraged.

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I just don't think I'm anywhere close to that "distinguished" look yet, so I figure I might as well go back in time rather than forward!QUOTE]




(sorry, I thought I read that you were 41)


(and even more sorry, you're closer to that distinguished look than you think icon_wink.gif...the years really fly after 37 icon_razz.gif)


2967 Total Grafts w/ Dr. Cooley on 1/3/07 [1st HT]

Hair Count = 5,427

My Hair Loss Weblog

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Yes, you're in a good position with this much hair at age 37. As is often said here, we really get HT's for ourselves, no one else. If it bothers you and you want temple work done, get it. You're in great shape and can get away with pretty much doing what you want.


Good luck!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Today I sent 3 online consultations with these pics to Dr.'s in the So. Cal area. I'm going to wait and see what they say. I hope they don't tell me I'm nuts and to stay home.


Hairbank, you are right, we do this for ourselves. Even considering the little work that I want or need, to me this is a problem. If I end up getting a HT and can feel good about my hair again, the problem will be solved.


Thanks guys.

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In my area, from what I've heard, Deyarman is one of the best. That's just what I've heard so far. (Also, he's on the list here of recommended dr's)


There may be some doctors in the LA area who are good. If anyone can recommend one, please post about them.


Remember, my case isn't rocket science, I'm finding out now that I only am looking at 500-1000 grafts, one time shot.

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You look like you have pretty good density all over which you probably won't be able to replicate with ANY HT, but you should be able to get enough that it blends with what you have. My point is this.........if you're doing any measure of temple/hairline work and you want it dense, you may need more like 1500 or maybe 2000 grafts. Of course it all depends on what your going for.


In this case, you'll want to really scrutinize who you choose for hairline work. I'm not discounting Dr. DeYarman, but encourage you to review before/afters from several of those here who've had hairline and temple work done to see who you believe would be best to provide your desired results. As is often said, framing the face is very important with HT's and the end result often depends on the artistry of a particular surgeon.


Good luck!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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You may be right about that. Since we're talking about hair line, maybe it is closer to rocket science than I thought because of the artistry involved.


Not rushing into anything here, there's really no need. I'm not going to be bald anytime soon, at this point I'm just searching for information and the people on this forum have helped in that endeavor.

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Welcome to the forums.


Truthfully, regarding getting a hair transplant, it really depends how unhappy you are with your situation. From my perspective, it may be best to leave well enough alone since you have a lot of hair. BUT, many people have taken the initiative to lower their hairline. At 37, you should be in a good position to do this too, unlike someone who is 21 years old who wants to get their high school hairline back. Continue researching and if you feel you want a transplant, be sure to choose a physician that you feel comfortable with. A good place to start is here:



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I've been thinking this over a lot the last few days.


Weighing the risks, potential benefits, and the fact that I really don't have much hair loss, it is quite possible that a HT is not the way to go for me.


Maybe an option for me would be to try a shampoo/and or combination of a hair growth stimulating shampoo and/or rogaine and some kind of nutritional supplement to help regain the little I have lost in front. At the very least, doing these things might help me not lose anymore.



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Originally posted by g255:

..it is quite possible that a HT is not the way to go for me.


Maybe an option for me would be to try a shampoo/and or combination of a hair growth stimulating shampoo and/or rogaine and some kind of nutritional supplement to help regain the little I have lost in front. At the very least, doing these things might help me not lose anymore.



Honestly g255, I would agree with you completely. In my opinion, your hairline is perfect for your profile.


As for the products you mentioned, I was under the impression they are not as effective for the temple/frontal region as they are for the crown region?


2967 Total Grafts w/ Dr. Cooley on 1/3/07 [1st HT]

Hair Count = 5,427

My Hair Loss Weblog

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Weighing the risks, potential benefits, and the fact that I really don't have much hair loss, it is quite possible that a HT is not the way to go for me.

g255, you said it & I couldn't agree more.

Don't forget about shock loss as well as some of the other side effects. You could quite possibly look much thinner for a long time post surgery.

Good luck, I hope your hair stays where it's at!

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Thanks for all of your input.


I have done some research and decided NOT to get a HT!


The potential risks far outweigh the benefits for my degree of loss.


I wish you all good luck.


P.S. - I have been taking a powerful multivitamin for the past month, and seem to be getting MUCH less hair falling out in the shower, hairbrush, etc. Some of you may want to try taking a good multi if you don't already, just another thing that is easy to implement that could possibly help avoid hair loss from any kind of nutritional deficiency.

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It is nice to see someone come up with an idea, do the research, consider all the data, and then make a confident, logical decision. You obviously do not work in government! icon_smile.gif At least the option is still there for you in the future if things change. Good luck to you!

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You don't need a ht. Should you decide to go for a consultation - and, you don't need one! you look great - don't go to DeYarman, I've seen some bad stories from his patients. There have been good ones too, but why chance it when there's so many doctors with nothing but stellar feedback.


One other thing to consider - a good dermatologist. Your hair loss may be temporarily caused by some condition you might be able to remedy fairly easily.

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