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Because I'm relatively young (23), I'm wondering how many other people have been in my situation of thinning hair at a young age, and when they got their HT, if at all?

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Because I'm relatively young (23), I'm wondering how many other people have been in my situation of thinning hair at a young age, and when they got their HT, if at all?

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  • Regular Member

I was 21 when i had my first session back 16 yrs ago.I started thinning when i was 19 and so depressed and upset about it.When i was 21 there was no hair drugs like today.My advice is wait if you can and give the drugs a chance to maintain what you have.And if you want to get some work done make sure you research as much as possible and go with a docter who will be cautious to your future hair loss and give you a acceptable hair line when your 40 or 50. I am sure tons of guys can give you great on this site it sure has helped me learn alot... good luck Ken

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Thanks for the advice, Ken.


How did your HT at 21 turn out for you? Did you witness any shock loss, and/or were you forced to get more work later on?

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Check out my photo album. The link is on the left side of this post. I started thinning heavily at 18 and I was a NW3 by 21 and a NW4 by 25.


kjp is absolutely correct in that hair loss medications can help to save the hair you have and may be able to actually help you regrow some or much of the hair you have lost.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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you look great! Dr. Cooley is outstanding. Did you get your HT at 25? I think meds have curbed my hairloss pretty well, but only time will tell I guess. I think I've been at a consistent level for about a year. I'd say the level of thinning I have is close to your 3-month post-op picture, but I don't have any recession in the hair line. Is it pretty much certain that I will lose more than, even if I stay on meds?

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By the way, I just wanted to say that reading your posts and about your experience has been so helpful and enlightening - this whole forum is awesome. Thank you all!

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Thanks for the kind words. I was 25 when I had my procedure performed. If you have no thinning/recession at the hairline, then you have a good chance of keeping the hair you have and even regrowing some that was lost since meds seem to work much better in the crown. I think that since you aren't reporting any side effects and that you have stabilized your loss with Propecia, you are in a good position right now. Give them some more time to assess what they will do for you.


How often are you taking Avodart and Propecia?





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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Thanks for the advice, Robert. I think I will wait a bit; I think the combination of Minoxidil and finasteride/dusteride is working well. The only side effect I've noticed is that (at least with Rogaine) my scalp would really dry out after a while and I'd get a massive dandruff problem. Either it's the new formulations from Dr. Panagotacos or the Head and Shoulders, but it's gone now (Doc also said that they pyrthione zinc in H&S is helpful for hair growth...).


As for Avodart, I take it every other day, alternating with Propecia. I used to take just propecia daily until Doc prescribed the former for me. Are you still on all the meds?

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Originally posted by jonjon:

Thanks for the advice, Robert. I think I will wait a bit; I think the combination of Minoxidil and finasteride/dusteride is working well. The only side effect I've noticed is that (at least with Rogaine) my scalp would really dry out after a while and I'd get a massive dandruff problem. Either it's the new formulations from Dr. Panagotacos or the Head and Shoulders, but it's gone now (Doc also said that they pyrthione zinc in H&S is helpful for hair growth...).


As for Avodart, I take it every other day, alternating with Propecia. I used to take just propecia daily until Doc prescribed the former for me. Are you still on all the meds?


I'm still very much on the meds. I've given a detailed description of my experiences and thoughts on each (and I am asking everyone to do the same) in this thread.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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The guy was a slick N/w 5 and was told he would only need 1,400 grafts. He got a sparse U shaped hairline with lots of pitting and nothing behind it. He later went to H&W and got 3,000 grafts to make it look normal.He is still upset wearing hats and doesn't like any of it.

"The first cut is the deepest." Cat Stevens

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I started drastically receeding/thinning in my mid teens so it is not uncommon. To make matters worse this was the "big hair and looks" era of the 80's. I had the first of my proceedures at the tender age of 19 and would have certainly lost everything back to midscalp by the end of that glorious decade (although I have mixed feelings about my outcome).


I'd want to echo the great advice you have been given thusfar by Ken and Robert about staying on the meds to prevent further loss and maybe even reverse some. I wish that option had been available to me "back in the day". The surgical hair restoration industry is not going anywhere and will be here if and when you decide to take that route!



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  • Regular Member

I started losing my hair when I was late teens and by 23, I had high temples and was noticably thinning.


By 28 I was developing the horseshoe look when the hair on top was disappearing fast.


By 32 it was almost all gone.

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Originally posted by jonjon:

What exactly is Choi?

icon_biggrin.gif I was wondering the same thing. Just another name for "strip". Interesting website but too much marketing on it IMO. Also, what is this "Greek clinic" that no one else seems to know about?

3045 FUs with Dr Victor Hasson on 8 June 2004

1836 FUs with Dr Jeffrey Epstein on 2 March 2006

Regimen: 1.25mg Proscar every other day

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