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5100 FUHT Procedure with Dr A


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I have completed over 2 weeks after the 5100 graft FUHT procedure. The scabs have come off and donar area is healing off well. The pain experienced was minimal and was concentrated on the donar area. I am kind of excited with the regrowth journey. I did find hair falling off with the scabs which i believe is quite normal.I'd like to share my progress and i'm sure i would defenitely need some advice from some of you who have already undergone the same kind off procedure.


I was pretty impressed with Dr AP & team's professionalism. And so far i havent havent had any issues with this procedure. I am what they call NW6 and i 've started loosing hair for the past 7 years.


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I have completed over 2 weeks after the 5100 graft FUHT procedure. The scabs have come off and donar area is healing off well. The pain experienced was minimal and was concentrated on the donar area. I am kind of excited with the regrowth journey. I did find hair falling off with the scabs which i believe is quite normal.I'd like to share my progress and i'm sure i would defenitely need some advice from some of you who have already undergone the same kind off procedure.


I was pretty impressed with Dr AP & team's professionalism. And so far i havent havent had any issues with this procedure. I am what they call NW6 and i 've started loosing hair for the past 7 years.


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  • Administrators

Jiggy, Congratulations on your surgery.


I only wish the many leading physicians recommended on this site were as successful as Dr. AP in getting all their patients to post their results on this forum. Just how does Dr. A do it?


Best wishes for great growth. Pat


P.S. Why have you opted not to show any photos of your donor area? I'd like to see what the back of your head looks like with 5,000 plus punch incisions.

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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  • Senior Member

Thanks for posting the pics, the work does look good. With a darker skin tone that should really provide you with a nice look when it grows in.


Was this peformed by Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Strip? If FUE, Pat has a good point, it would nice to see the donor area to see what it looks like.





1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Congratulations on your recent HT. From what I'm seeing in your pictures, you are going to turn out really nicely.


I hope you'll go the distance with us and post monthly updates and then the final result up and around the 1 year mark. I've seen many immediately post op pictures from Dr. A at this point, but rarely have his patients gone the distance to show us the finished product.


As hairbank asked...is this a strip or fue procedure? I know Dr. AP does like to use body hair occasionally as well...were there any body hairs used? If so, how many?


I too would like to see some donor pictures to see how that looks at this point. Being so early on, you have plenty of healing time for the donor area as well...perhaps you can provide monthly updates on that as well?


Thanks and keep us posted.



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Sorry for the late reply. I had a strip procedure not a FUE. But just for your information i did try out a test session of 50 grafts from the chest and and beard. The beard donar area was extremely quick to heal (we are talking about less than 24 hours).


I will be posting my progress on a timely basis and hopefully i hope to get to that final result in less than a years time icon_smile.gif


Thanks Guys,

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its752 ......if your implying on the large no. of grafts from one strip....really caught me by surprise too..


We were looking at around 4000 grafts max before the procedure ( i think whiich is an average no. we look at) but i had very good laxity so i think thats how i got to the 5100 mark.


I had started with excercises for increasing laxity one month before the procedure. i did some research on this and got to see some videos on u tube(were i saw 2 kinds of excercises). When i got in touch with Dr A he sugested the same.


Just finished my third week so by the end of this month i will post an update pic.


Thanks Guys,

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  • 4 months later...
  • Regular Member

Congratulations Jiggy.

Looks excellent.

It looks like you're going to get great results.


2-day session with Dr. Keene.

1's: 297; 2's: 1186; 3's: 1382; 4's: 999

Total grafts : 3864

Averaging 2.85 hairs/graft. Total hairs: ~11000.




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Given legal concerns with Dr. AP on the advise of our attorney we do not host any posts on our forum that reference him.


Because this thread is older, we have allowed the results posted thus far. Unfortunately, we no longer host any posts on our forum that reference him.


Any reference to him posted since May has been removed.


This thread has been locked.



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