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stopping hairloss for good?

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Mr. Invisible,


The harsh answer to your question is a resounding "no." You see, the amount of DHT (specifically Type II) that is inhibited by Finasteride (Propecia, Proscar, etc.)is not 100%. While the inhibition is enough to slow or stop the hair loss in most men for a while, it is not enough to stop it in everyone. Additionally, those that are in the majority and have stalled their hairloss with Finasteride can expect to see the medications effects start to decline after roughly five years. Now, this is not a "hardline" rule.


First, just because the medications effects decline doesn't mean that it is not working anymore. Far from it. It simply means that it may not be working as well. Remember, to keep the hair that Finasteride helped you keep you have to keep taking the drug indefinitely.


Second, some posters seem to effectively "reset" their tolerance to the medication by discontinuing their use of it for a set amount of time every year or so. The poster Smoothy, in particular, has seemed to have success with this and has avoided any negative drawbacks such as shedding any hair that Finasteride helped him to hang on to. Perhaps he will jump in and let you in on the details.


So, again, the answer is no but that is certainly no reason to stop taking the drug if you see benefit. After all, keeping what you have (as far as hair goes) is better than losing it.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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is there any studies going on for a product to stop DHT 100%? Is it even a possibility in the next 5 to 10 years? My main concern is becuase i want to be able to have one ht and continue taking meds and not have to get more ht's down the road.

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That depends on how you respond to Propecia. Everybody is different. For me it slowed the progression about 90%. I have a brother that it stopped and he actually grew back about 20%. And my best friend, starting shedding bad for 6 months, then it stopped hairloss cold turkey. All of us have been on it for 5+ years. I know of others who it only slowed down the loss a little.

Like any medicine, not one medicine works on every person, everyone is different. Different cancer drugs work on different people. People respond differently to antibiotics when they get sick-- So Propecia is not any different. You just have to try it for a year and see if it works for you.

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Mr. I,


One thing I have and continue to mention to every patient is that genetic hairloss is "progressive". Androgenetic alopecia is evidence of a genetic predisposition that we can never change.


For now, prudence calls for life-time planning goals which almost always implies more than one procedure. That is on the basis that one's goal of coverage does not change.


Hopefully better medicinal products will emerge in the future and even more so hair multiplication. icon_biggrin.gif


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Originally posted by Forum Moderator and Satisfied Patient:


Second, some posters seem to effectively "reset" their tolerance to the medication by discontinuing their use of it for a set amount of time every year or so. The poster Smoothy, in particular, has seemed to have success with this and has avoided any negative drawbacks such as shedding any hair that Finasteride helped him to hang on to. Perhaps he will jump in and let you in on the details.


This is interesting and seems to make sense. Smoothy - your response doesn't make clear whether what Robert says holds up for you. Can you clarify?

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  • Senior Member
Originally posted by mr invisible:

is there any studies going on for a product to stop DHT 100%? Is it even a possibility in the next 5 to 10 years? My main concern is becuase i want to be able to have one ht and continue taking meds and not have to get more ht's down the road.


Dutasteride (Avodart) comes pretty close to 100% inhibition. The harsh truth is that researchers are still not aware of every function that DHT serves in the body. I am not trying to scare you away from the medication, but I do advocate that you conduct your research on the drug and discuss it thoroughly with your physician.





Check out the results of my surgical hair restoration performed by Dr. Jerry Cooley by visiting my Hair Loss Weblog


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