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2 days post HT - advice


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I am two days post HT with Dr. Dorin. Had 2500 grafts all to front. Pain is not bad at all, no bleeding.

When I went for my post op cleaning of donor site, the nurse was pretty aggressive. Do you think I should use as much force. Also tonight will be my first shampoo using sponge and I am a little nervous.

Biggest problem is swelling across forehead. My temples have swelled alot, so I can't put on glasses but no pain. Should I worry or just keep icing?

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I am two days post HT with Dr. Dorin. Had 2500 grafts all to front. Pain is not bad at all, no bleeding.

When I went for my post op cleaning of donor site, the nurse was pretty aggressive. Do you think I should use as much force. Also tonight will be my first shampoo using sponge and I am a little nervous.

Biggest problem is swelling across forehead. My temples have swelled alot, so I can't put on glasses but no pain. Should I worry or just keep icing?

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Did you sleep in a slightly upright position (as in a recliner ) or were you lying flat as in a typical sleeping position?


Some people think that Arnica Montana ( a supplement found in health food stores ) and Bromelain ( a chemical found in pineapple ) help reduce bruising and swelling.


To control swelling some believe that reduced physical activity ( walking arounbd, moving about )is important for the first couple of days but mild activity is actually beneficial after about the 3rd day.

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I don't know when this was last posted, so this could be old news now...but all you are experienceing is normal. I just had an HT with Dr. True and I'm 11 days post op. The swelling too me to about Day 5, and then there was a slight yellow tint under my eyes for another day and a half...but I'm day 11, and all is well. No more swelling (day 5), no more discoloration (day 6), and all scabs are gone (day 9), stitches out (day 11).


I didn't go back for the post op cleaning, but I was instructed on how to do it myself. I took the not so aggressive approach to be honest...just basically gently blotted....so I don't know...in my opinion, and this is only opinion, it si better to be safe than sorry...be gentle...but by about Day 6, start gently massaging your head in the shower with the soft part of your finger tips. I personally ended up showering twice a day just to get some extra moisture on the scalp. I also was advised by Dr. True to use baby oil on my head before I went to sleep by day 8, which I did....and it helps soften the scabs. By Day 8, I spent extra time in the shower and then got out of the shower with the shampoo still in my hair, but looked in the mirror where there were still scabs and gently circled the scabs until they slowly became lose and dislodged. I was extra careful not to pick and seemingly I lost 0 grafts, from my observation. Hope this helps!



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I too am 2 days post HT and my forehead, temples and eyes are also swollen; I look like I went several rounds with the champ and lost. I've been icying and trying to sleep in a reclined position, but I too wonder how long the swelling is supposed to last. my doc instructed to take 800mg of Ibuprofin to help with the swelling....I hope it works

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