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Does Aloe Gel/Shampoo really work on scars & grafted areas?

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  • Regular Member

I read in a few forums that Aloe might help accelerate the healing of the donor and grafted areas and also reduce the redness, itchiness, dryness, flakeyness, etc..

It seems like a magical product and I was curious to hear more about it from patients and surgeons.


I'd like to know if you know any surgeons recommending it and if they do, do they recommend the shampoo or the gel and how long after the HT you can start using it?

How often do you have to apply it?

How do you have to apply it on the scar and grafted areas?

What is the best brand on the market?




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  • Regular Member

I read in a few forums that Aloe might help accelerate the healing of the donor and grafted areas and also reduce the redness, itchiness, dryness, flakeyness, etc..

It seems like a magical product and I was curious to hear more about it from patients and surgeons.


I'd like to know if you know any surgeons recommending it and if they do, do they recommend the shampoo or the gel and how long after the HT you can start using it?

How often do you have to apply it?

How do you have to apply it on the scar and grafted areas?

What is the best brand on the market?




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Well I certainly wouldn't call it magical - but in my experience, it does help soothe the skin and help aid with healing. I primarily used it for the recipient area to combat postoperative redness and itching, but it did help soothe the donor area as well.


I would wait to start applying it to the recipient area until the grafts are secured (around 10 days). You can probably start applying to the donor area after 3 or 4 days to help soothe the itch and facilitate healing.


Best wishes,



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