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how great finasteride is

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  • Senior Member

I'm just about 1 month post-op. I'd say anywhere from 50-70% of my grafts shed. The ones that remain are still small, not even an inch long. This seems to be quite standard, but my remaining native hair looks great. It has thickened exponentially in just the little over two months i have been on finasteride. I was a NW 2, borderline NW3. I had diffuse thinning in the frontal 1/3, in addition to a receding hairline and temples. My diffuse thinning has essentially reversed. i can no longer see scalp in places i used to when i combed my hair back. Also, these are places i did not receive any grafts in. Not only does it look much thicker, but my native hair feels so much thicker. Also, in the first few weeks on finasteride i noticed some sexual side affects. It has all passed, no more side affects. Just happy the drug is working, especially since i'm seeing great results in only 2+ months. I can only expect it will get even better as the months progress.

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  • Regular Member

awesome man! Good to hear.


I too had a faint experience of sexual side effects when i first started the drug, but i think it passes once your body starts to recognize it as a daily presence. After the 1 month mark, i never noticed any side effects there after.


However, i wasn't as luck as to have finasteride add any thickness or regrowth. it just slowed down my hairloss and stopped it in some places.


Best of luck man

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

this may seem like a stupid question, but does anyone think there is a difference in taking finasteride at night as opposed to the morning or afternoon? Perhaps the body produces more testosterone at a certain time or something of that nature. Just curious to know when you guys take the pill.

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