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I agree with ttaco... especially given the date of the post. For every good story you read about HTs, there will be bad ones. They key is picking the right surgeon and doing your homework: consultation, reference checks, talking to patients, etc.


Good luck,


Mr. T

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"Way back in 98?" LOL


Fabe, no offense but are you a little dense? Look at the message at the very top of the home page... "Hair Transplant? Be Wary!" Why do you even think a website like this is necessary? What do you suppose happens to guys who get a hair transplant that "doesn't work out"? This is permanent cosmetic surgery, and very few doctors can give consistently excellent results. Look at Pat's recommended list, it is less than 50 doctors, out of an estimated 3000 doctors world-wide. Now take into account that some doctors on "the list" are better than others. What does that tell you?


I have tried to warn guys that getting a bad transplant experience can be life-wrecking... LIFE-WRECKING. Understand? And getting an only-okay or less-than-great transplant can be almost as bad.


I don't understand why you are posting this "surprised" thread now, like this is the first time you have ever thought about the risks involved?


I don't want to seem critical, I am just surprised you hadn't figured out that a LOT of guys are not happy with their hair transplants. Many clinics say that one-third to one-half of all their patients are there for corrective surgery... to try to fix another doc's screw-ups. Many guys who wear hair pieces are doing it to cover up an inadequate hair transplant. Other guys resort to wearing hats constantly. People have committed suicide because of bad transplant results.



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I appreciate your responses and help, but there is no reason for insults toward people looking for info. U do that quite often on your long novel like threads. For as being dense, that is just one post from that site, there are hundreds more with the same bad experiences from some Docs who are recommended here, including the one that I want to use and all here have said nothing but good things about.


[This message was edited by Fabe on May 26, 2003 at 03:34 PM.]

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No reason for the "are you a little dense?" comment, arfy. Everyone gets some form of cold feet before their surgery. Most people that have been "butchered" (myself included) had minis and micros. It's been said a million times but it's the truth ... if you go to a good surgeon you'll be fine.



Results of my 1424 FU transplant procedure on 8/16/02 can be viewed at...



[This message was edited by ttaco on May 26, 2003 at 08:03 PM.]

Results of my 1424 FU transplant procedure on 8/16/02 can be viewed at...


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I read the thread and I don't believe it. It sounds way too dramatic. The guys wife left him????? I'd bet a 1000 dollars that it is a line of crap put together by a wig place. Way, way too dramatic.



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Whether this account is factual or not, it remains that it has affected you. I suggest doing more research and reading, to the point where you are an "expert", like many of the individuals here. Only then will you be prepared to handle any unexpected problems resulting from a HT.

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