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im 17!! about to take Finasteride


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Hi, i just turned 17 recently and ive been worried to death about hair loss! my dad's side hass no hair loss (my dads got a great head of hair at 47!) but my mothers brother is bald as hell, my mom's dad was bald and my mom's mom side was bald to so its a pretty good chance im going to go bald (probably young since my uncle lost his hair at 23). hes very good looking bald but i just cant see myself looking like that! about a year ago i started noticing my scalp was visible when i had my hair wet or i pushed my hair up (like those preppy guys do) it really looked unatural i havent had and signifigant receding by the temples but the hair on the top of my head is just in clumps, not thick at all, very thin. its been getting worse lately, i currently hide it by coming my hair forward every morning before i go to school, its really a pain. one morning i woke up and siad "hey! where in the 21st century, shouldent we have this whole bald thing figured out now?" thats when i decided to start looking for things too fight this. so i did a little research and discovered that the most acclaimed modern product turns out to be this thing called propecia. problem is i work at a roller skating rink making 7 dollars an hour as a skateguard..60 dollars a month is not going to work out for me. so i did a little more research, and discovered the generic brand was abailable in India because they dont give a hoot about U.S. patents. toaday i bought about 70 dollars in finasteride (90 pills) at http://www.bodycareworld.com/generic/finpecia.html

<-- wheather this site is legit or not beats me but i know i cant pay 60 a month...can anyone tell me if this site is legit?

Also does anyone know the effects this drug has on a 17 year old? does it work better at a young age? i would be VERY happy if i kept the hair i have for atleast 10 years, i dont really need to grow anything back it hasnt progressed enough to be that visible. what do you think the odds are ill be able to keep most of the hair i have if i continue to use finasteride for my whole life time?

i just want to have a full head of hair on my wedding day!


thanks for the help, fellow balding men of the world!

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  • Senior Member

I have read some articles that recommended not taking propecia until you have fully passed through maturation in puberty...so at 17 unless you were fully matured physically I would wait a year or two, but definitely see a dermatologist/physician and see what they say...I think you are too young to take propecia but that just my feeling, if nothing else see a dermatologist/physician before you take propecia or any drug you plan to take for the rest of your life, to make sure you are not doing any damage or harm... just to be safe..

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I would also say you're too young to take Propecia, but then again it truly seems like your mom's side of the family has some chronic balding! If you wait too long to treat hair loss you might have NONE by the time you act! I would advise you to go see your doctor and explain your family's history of balding at a young age.

Now, if you want to know some information on Propecia and its side effects go to www.propecia.com. Listen, you're only 17-18, and one of propecia's side effects is IMPOTENCE! Reduced semen and more...However, this happens on a small number of males taking this pill. Everybody is different, so again check with your doctor and have him explain all the side effects. Dont be shy about it!

It is important you do ALOT of research BEFORE doing something or taking pills. In conclusion, visit your doctor, investigate, and wait until you have gathered enough info to make an informed desicion.

Check with the Better Business Bureau to check the authenticity of some of the websites you visit online. Just Google it dude. Good luck.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey man - I'm 20 years old(21 in 2 months) and i've been taking propecia for a little over a year. I met with a doctor before taking it and he seemed unopposed to starting the medication at 19. I did experience side effects for the first 2-3 months of taking it and i had some initial shedding that wasn't recovered in regrowth. I don't regret starting though because after the initial shedding the hairloss seems to have slowed down substantially (although it still is making it's march currently - just slowly).


Everyone has slightly different results with the drug. I think i'm alot better off now than i would have been had i not taken it - but i'm accepting that it's still progressing and I'll have to look into other options (transplants ect) when the funds become available. (when I finish my degree)


so it's a good place to start, and i hear starting early is in your best interests - but it isn't quite a cure for most....so meet with your doctor and stay in school!

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It is my understanding...traditionally anyway, that if your grandfather on your Mother's side was bald, you have a higher likelihood of becoming so yourself.


Now as it happens, both of my grandfather's had full heads of hair, and I began to bald more seriously in my late 40's. I'm actually more concerned about the fact that they both dropped over dead in their early 50's, and my Mother had a heart attack in her early 50's as well)...oh, and I'm 52. That however is another story, but I relate it to point out that heredity is a funny thing. You never know what's swimming around in that gene pool.


As for sexual side effects on Propecia: I've been taking it for a few months, and yes I think its impeding me a little bit, but nothing that Viagra doesn't punch right through, if you'll pardon the expression...heh heh heh...oh...ahem...anyway, most apparently don't have that problem if they stick it out past a few months, and Propecia is a long term thing.


Now at your tender age I wouldn't take anything yet. Just keep and eye on it and stay informed. You'll know what to do and when.



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Hey man - I started to go at 21 and didn't act for about two years...so its good you've decided to research and do the right thing. Finpecia, made by the Indian manufacturer Cipla is legit. When I was younger and made no money that's what I took.


Also, you may be happy to know that most guys take the pill every other day and have the same results as guys who take it everyday. That's what I do (as do a few friends)- it works well and most importantly, saves cash.


Still, if you're not embarrassed bringing it up with your parents (I was) then definitely go to a doctor and get their opinion about the age thing.


Normally I'd say go full steam ahead but you are a bit young. That being said, younger guys usually respond a lot better to finasteride, often seeing good results.


There's hope - good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

My advice to the original poster (if he still checks here ever): don't be one of those douchebags who realizes they have to get married young, and before all their friends just because they're going bald. I'm 20, and been losing since i was your age, so i'm in the same boat as you, but i decided long ago that i would never try to rush things earlier than i would have if i was always going to have a full head of hair. But then again, that's just my advice, it's your life, maybe you'd be happier that way, who am i to say that's wrong? And who knows, maybe i'll puss out somewhere along the lines in the next few years like so many balding kids before me.

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