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Everything posted by Charles83

  1. I'm 22 and have been thinning since i was 18 but i still have pretty good volume and alot of hair in my head. Problem is my hairline is in bad shape in part because I braided my hair for 2 1/2 years. The crown is fine, is just the hairline and top that are getting to be a little too noticiable and visible (my scalp). I dnt know what to take since so many people talk about soooooooooooo many things and products in here. The only things i know of from research is Propecia, Avodart (a little) and surgery. I need a mentor or someone to help me or at least direct me so that i wont feel so lost. Thank you. Charles
  2. I would also say you're too young to take Propecia, but then again it truly seems like your mom's side of the family has some chronic balding! If you wait too long to treat hair loss you might have NONE by the time you act! I would advise you to go see your doctor and explain your family's history of balding at a young age. Now, if you want to know some information on Propecia and its side effects go to www.propecia.com. Listen, you're only 17-18, and one of propecia's side effects is IMPOTENCE! Reduced semen and more...However, this happens on a small number of males taking this pill. Everybody is different, so again check with your doctor and have him explain all the side effects. Dont be shy about it! It is important you do ALOT of research BEFORE doing something or taking pills. In conclusion, visit your doctor, investigate, and wait until you have gathered enough info to make an informed desicion. Check with the Better Business Bureau to check the authenticity of some of the websites you visit online. Just Google it dude. Good luck.
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