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Guest bro66

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Well i think most people like myself that receivced transplant sessions in the 90's and got minni's or plug regret getting procedures done.Some poeple from that i have seen on this site have been hacked and scared by horrible doc's.

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Good question. I hope several respond about their experiences. I'm a little over 1 year after my first HT of 1200 grafts and now 2 days away from my 2nd HT. My only regrets.........


1) That I didn't do more research regarding number of grafts and what results to expect. Those of you considering your first, do you homework! Consult with a few quality Doc's for opinions before choosing.


2) I limited myself by choosing a "local" doc within driving distance for me versus selecting one of those mentioned on the coalition having excellent reputations and results. Most of the clinics will pay for airfare & travel or, at the least, a portion of it. Even if they didn't pay, in comparison to the overall cost and the importance of the HT, I'd choose to travel for an excellent Doc with proven results versus a local who "might" do a good job.


3) While my first HT Doc's placement of grafts was okay, I think the donor scar is wider than it should be (which I believe will be cured with HT #2 with Hasson & Wong).


4) My first Doc said something that now sticks out in my mind "Most people dont' even come back for a 2nd session". Maybe that's true, but, I have figured out that if I don't want to go around the rest of my life with a softball sized bald spot on back of my head I need another session, maybe 2.


I think several people have been misguided as to the look they can achieve with an HT. Are you ever going to have your hair back from when you were 16 (as in actual number of hairs)? No. Can you come pretty darn close to looking that way? Yes, in my opinion. If you look at some of the before and after pics from the last 2-3 years there are some AMAZING results.


I hope others share their thoughts on this.



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Bank, great response to this thread my friend icon_biggrin.gif

Mahair, great point about those that have good HT's.

It's funny this thread came up today. I was just talking to my father about how getting a HT is really NOT a young man's first option. The dedication to having additional surgeries, financial considerations, and REALISTIC expectations all seem to be major issues not looked at as a younger man. At 29, I am by no means older, but I did spend a few YEARS researching, before I actually committed to the plan designed by Dr. Shapiro. I realize that I am going to have 3 surgeries (if possible) to look the way I want to look... I had a base built with my 1st HT, I will expand that on the 2nd, and then hopefully put the finisher on the 3rd. Do I regret my HT, no, not really, but simply because I have reasonable expectations, and I know how to do math icon_biggrin.gif (Remember in high school where they said Algebra could save your life?)That is the beauty of this forum, in that we can all bring our perspectives and ideas to hopefully point others in the right direction.


In asking a question: During your 3 month stasis period, do you doubt the decision to have the surgery? Would it help to have someone who went through the same thing to talk to?

As a man it is difficult for me to go to my fiancee, or Dad, and say,"Boy, I am not sure I made the right call here." I have to tell you guys, that it is difficult. Fortunately, my life is so busy that the time flew by, but there were moments!!!!!!Anyway, I hope to achieve hair freedom in the coming years, and I think my Dad is going as well. Great Thread!!!!!!!

Go Cubs!


6721 transplanted grafts

13,906 hairs

Performed by Dr. Ron Shapiro


Dr. Ron Shapiro and Dr. Paul Shapiro are members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Well, I'll have regrets if things don't turn out the way I'm hoping they do, and if Propecia doesn't help me halt my loss. I'll be forced into further procedures, but it's a risk that I was willing to take, obviously.


I do sometimes regret and go back and forth on the actual moral decison to get the transplant. Sometimes I have a hard time justifying it to myself, and I feel bad that I did it. Other times I feel like a hair transplant is something equivalent to expensive teeth brushing - as far as it being something that everyone would do if it were as inexpensive as toothpaste.


Still other times I remember that I didn't mind being bald and just going with the shaved look, which I can no longer do because of the scar...but I realize that I did look better and feel more confident when I had more hair; the last time I had a girlfriend was when I had hair...I think there is a parallel...


Wasn't the last time I made out with a girl though. icon_wink.gif haha


Anyway, I need to settle down for the next 3 months and relax about thinking about my hair...there are more important things, that's for sure.


Here's hoping I end up with the results I want and then there won't be anything to regret.

1,614 with Dr. Pistone on 2/3/06 in Marlton, NJ.


As long as the moon shall rise

As long as the rivers flow

As long as the sun shall shine

And the grass will grow

Let me listen, I will learn to speak

The old language

Yes, I yearn to bathe in blue skies

And fall apart from the world of machines

Regain my feet and my pounding heart


My Hair Loss Weblog


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dhuge67, I'm feeling the same way, I guess since it's still too soon to see any results, just a little over two months past my procedure. At this point my scar area is my main concern, I hope the scar heals flat and all the hairs grow back. I have realistic expectations. I wanted to keep my hairline and just fill in the thinning and balding areas, about 1500 graphs, I'll be 40 years old this year, and I want it to look natural for my age. I just wish there was a way to see the results before having the procedure. Yes, the cost was a big factor, I hope it's worth the money I'm spending. icon_eek.gif

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