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  • Senior Member

I know the answer, but my Transplanted hair is now so thick that it becomes tangled. When I use a comb to untangle, some of the HT hairs come out. I assume that the transplanted follicles are as strong as the non-transplanted and pulling the hair out with a comb will do no damage, but just checking?

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  • Senior Member

I know the answer, but my Transplanted hair is now so thick that it becomes tangled. When I use a comb to untangle, some of the HT hairs come out. I assume that the transplanted follicles are as strong as the non-transplanted and pulling the hair out with a comb will do no damage, but just checking?

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Guest Cousin_It

LOL! What a dilemma! Hair too thick that it makes combing difficult. I am sure every member of this forum would love to post an issue like this!


As you already know, at this stage simply pulling them out when combing will do nothing to harm the grafts, but if you keep doing it you will achieve a thinning look, just the opposite of what you attempted to do. Ever think of using a detangling solution, this would probably solve your problem and keep your locks intact.

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You will not harm the grafts by combing, brushing, or detangling...but as you know, the more hair that comes out, the thinner it will look.....however, the hair will grow back as well since the follicle is still in tact.


all I have to do is look at my wife's hairbrush to see how much hair she loses in a given day and yet she still has as much hair as always, ever flowing...so there needn't be anything to worry about there.


I might try cutting your hair shorter perhaps, or using a detangler, or some conditioners might help soften it as to less the amount of tangling.


Hope that helps.



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  • Senior Member

You know, that's funny because I have had that problem lately. Not because my hair is super thick, because it isn't. The front hair is getting tangled every time after I shampoo and towel dry it. I'm trying to be very careful in untangling it.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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